Chpt. 4

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"Doc? Your 'ugly' mommy? Don't you think thats little mean?" I say, she's looking down and twiddling her fingers, like she's plotting something.

"No." She says, gets out of the car, and goes inside.

"Sorry, ma'am, she's not usually like this."

"Yea, I know... So Tim?"

"Oh, he should be here. Let me go look for him." Just then he comes from behind the house. Looks up, and looks like he's surprised. Runs up to the woman, and hugs her. As if he hasn't seen her forever, and still loved her. They stop the hug and gaze into each others eyes.

"Uhumm. Timothy, are you gonna introduce me to you 'friend'?"

"Oh yea. Sorry Char. Charlotte, Sydney, Sydney, Charlotte." He releases himself from her grasp, and walks over to me and kisses me.

"Its nice to meet you Sydney. So you're actually Akia's mother? Why doesn't she like you at all?" She just looks down, depressed... Shouldn't have asked.

"Oh, um, I'm sorry. Its none of my business. I won't ask anymore." I say, and walk over to her, and smile at her. She smiles back and answers anyways:

"I um..didn't want her to dream to hard."

"Really, all she dreams of being is a Surgeon?"

"Exactly." She says and walks over toward Tim, whispers something in his ear. He smiles, never smiled at me like that, and we're married. She smiles seductively and walks away swaying.



"Oh..nothing..." I go inside, he obviously still loves her, I have to accept that. But I'm no ones second choice... I'll talk to him later. And besides, what she said is none of my business right?

We have dinner, silently, and after Doc goes to bed me and Tim talk.

"Tim..Do you still have feelings for Sydney?"

"She was my first wife," He starts plainly, but then holds my hands "I'm still in love with you. Don't worry... Okay?"

"Sure." Then he kisses me, and smiles, still not like Sydney's... Can't help but feel like I'm gonna lose him.

"I'm gonna go get daddy's little surgeon someone sick." He says, and walks away. 'Okay, Tim...' I whisper under my breathe. I go to bed, cold and alone, I bet Tim never left Sydney alone like this...

I dream about the 'surgeon' being caught, and it being Sydney, this makes me smile. Is that unnatural? It is for me... Whatever though, at least Doc likes me more than her mother.. Why is that?

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