Charlotte-Chapter 10

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What the man said in my ear is just too horrible to repeat. I can't even do it, not even Caroline could do something like that!

"Sir, I don't know who you think you are-"

"Oh sorry, I thought you knew me, sorry let me introduce myself, Caroline, I'm Madison Manson. I'm pretty sure you saw me when that husband of yours purposed."

"Well Madison," I start, I already know him, in fact we in the same agency, until the thing happened. "Sir, I already know you-"

"Great!" Then he smiles.


"But what babe?"

"I can't do that. What you just said you needed me to do, yea thats not happening."

"And why not?"

"Well because, its not okay? Why can you do it?"

"Because you're the best in the business, don't you remember Caroline?"

"Its Charolette now. But yes, that part of my life is done-so over with okay? Leave it to the pros." Just then, the police guy from earlier runs up to my car, I roll down my window.

"Yes sir?"

"Are you Caroline McCharles?"

"Um, no-"

"Save it Caroline." He starts, "I know its you, I've received an anonymous tip. Then started testing your DNA with Charlotte's. And it turned out Charlotte Vinnie, is actually Caroline McCharles.

"Alright you got me. What do you want?"

"Your help. Catching the surgeon."

"I'm retired. Sorry."

"At age 28?"

"Yes. I guess."


"I can't be any help to you."

"Yes, you can. See we need your expertise. I don't care if you're really 'retired.' You're the only one that can help, babe." Madison says, smiling, not that sadistic smile like Tim, a genuine smile. I happen to smile back, but not realizing it.

"You smiled! That means you'll do it! Right babe?"

"No, it doesn't . You've been doing that since I joined this thing."

"Ah, so you do remember!"

"Of course I remember. Best years of my life. But I also remember why I quit it anyways."

"Oh, yes, your resignation!" Madison says leaning back in his seat. The cops just sitting outside my window being awkward.

"So will you help us, Miss McCharles?"

"I told you, I'm no help."

"Okay, but if you change your mind, you know where to find us."

"Okay, but that's likely not to happen." I say. Madison's just still chilling in my car. The police officer goes back inside City Hall, and does cop stuff.

"Why don't you just do it babe?"

"How'd you get in my car?" I asked, to change the topic, I'm not doing it. The thing could happen again.

"Oh please." He says, sitting up closer this time, not chilling, "As if you don't already know, I know these things."


"Whats with the attitude?"

"You first-Broke into my car, Then-Started begging me to rejoin the stupid thing when you know what happened to me!"

"Yea, that was pretty bad." I do that exactly movement with my hands but he continues, "You know how in the 'Lion King' he says 'The past may hurt, but its the past. Learn from it and move on with you life.'?"

"Yes, but you got the line wrong. And I almost died. Thats not something you exactly 'Learn from and move on'."

"Still, babe." He's really getting on my nerves. I don't care that he's calling me 'babe'. I care that he's begging me to do something just 'cause he knows that I'll do it if he bothers me enough.


"Why?" He looks confused. I roll my eyes.

"Must I explain everything to you! Why do you need me so badly? For your stupid 'man hunt'. Can't you find someone twice as good as me?"

"You're the best, 'man hunter' in the buisness babe, and the surgeons getting stronger by the minute. I bet his men are planning to help him-" Then I turn on the radio, and guess what it said-

"The newest arresti, Tim Vinnie, arrested for murder in the first degree has escaped the solid prison, and while police forces were trying to get him back, he's done some gruesome things, that we aren't aloud to tell you, over the radio. Specially since this is a family station."

"Caroline, we need you. Didn't you just hear-"

"Yes, I heard. Tim Vinnie is my husband."

"NO WAY. He's the guy that purposed to you the day I was supposed to die?"

"Yup. I can't arrest him, I love him to much."

"What if, now I'm just tossing stones, but what if he knows you were the one who contacted the police force and got him arrested? Like what if that little girl of his, whats her name?" Then he does that snapping thing,

"She never really told me her name, but I call her 'Doc'."

"What if she told him?"

"Or, what if she doesn't?"

"Then his Ex-wife of his?"

"Maybe she would...... Then I would need some protection."

"Dude, we both know you can protect yourself, with your beauty, and your brains-" Then he burst out laughing, there it is. "No seriously, your super intelligent."

"You're just trying to butter me up."

"Is it working."

"A little." I say honestly.

"Well, then I'll continue. Until you say 'Yes, of course, I'd love to do it.'" Then he starts complimenting me up and down.


"Does that mean you'll do it?"

"Say 'Caroline is way better than me in every way, even though she's a girl!"

"Well, thats sexist."

"Say it."

He says it in a mocking way, as a brother would do to a sister right before he was blackmailed into doing something for her.

"Caroline is better-"l


"Way better than the powerful-"

"Eh, eh, eh, thats not what I said."

"Fine. Caroline is way better than me, in every way, even though she's a girl."

"Didn't sound too enthusiastic."

"Really?" I laugh, but he doesn't find it too funny. I sigh.


"Fine. I'll do it."

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