CHAPTER 10: Dead Man Walking

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Ella handed Tom a fresh bottle of chilled water. "It may take some getting used to. especially with new calibration."

Tom took the bottle and shakily drank from it. "So a mortar did this to me?"

Alex brought in a back plate with a hole the size of a car tire in it and held it up. "Not much left of the old stuff."

Tom chuckled a bit. "So much for being the toughest armor available."

"The H.U.P. said this can stop a 50. But that you shouldn't try it." Ella informed.

Tom swung his legs over the side of the bed and tried to stand. Ella and Alex rushed to each side of him. "Easy Tom, don't rush it." Alex pressed.

"Don't worry about me. I'm a PANZER remember?" Tom laughed again. He took a few steps, wobbly at first, then sturdier with the next few.

He waved off his friends and took a few more steps across the room. He grinned and stuck his arms out to the side. "Ta-da." he said in a very smug tone.

The T.V. in the corner of the room caught Tom's eye. He gestured his chin towards it as he friends turned to face it. There was a news report from the German military saying that they had killed Americas best soldier. The feed cut to a soldier with a bandanna wrapped over his face holding Tom's scorched and cracked helmet as well as what was left of his gun. 

Tom clenched his fist when seeing his prized possession broken and in then hands of the enemy.

"Ella, call command. Tell them I'm alive and prepping for a new mission." 

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