CHAPTER 29: Gone like the Wind

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Tom found an old motorcycle partially covered by a tarp. He flung the tarp off and straddled it.

He tried to activate the ignition, but nothing happened. He tried again before checking to see that the keys were not in it. He heard footsteps coming around to where he was, and drew his pistol.

A marine saw the gun and put his hands in the air. "Captain Hanson?" The marine questioned.

Tom suddenly recognized the marine to be the injured one they rescued from Poland.

With his gun still pointed at him he asked. "Where are the keys? I need to leave now!"

The marine walked over to a cork-board and pulled  pair of keys off of it. "Here you go sir. I'm not gonna tell anyone I saw you. I owe you my life."

Tom put his gun away as the marine tossed him the keys. "I appreciate that, marine. Any second now, they are going to find the body of one of my squad-mates behind the supply building. I need to be gone by then. But you have to believe me, I only did it in self defense." 

Tom started the motorcycle and started toward the main gate. He narrowly missed the guard tower. People came out from the tower and surrounding buildings to see what the commotion was.

As he rode off, he could hear a siren filling the camp that surely meant someone found Benson's body. He knew that if he was caught, there would be almost no doubt that he would be executed for treason and now desertion. 

Luckily for him, he knew that his training would keep him safe and that he knew every tactic on how they would look for him.

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