chapter 8

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Little note before you start reading, or just skip the note and read the chapter...whichever you like!

Okay, I have been very busy with school and things (still am) so I won't be posting chapters much, I'll will be posting them but I'll probably skip a week or two, if I keep doing that I'll probably just start posting once/twice a month.

Just wanted to tell all of you this before you started this chapter.

Not sure if anyone reads this tho....the book and the note.

Anywho! Back to the chapter!

(Also, this chapter is a filler chapter, so, short?) :b


Anger is all he felt.

He walked around in his castle, pacing back and forth in his room.

Why, why did she have to save everyone!

He wants all of them gone. He wants all of the good people gone! Turn them into evil. That seems impossible to most people, but to him, everything is possible.

Walking up to his window, the window facing the small village that he could barely see from all the trees blocking his sight. He thinks. He thinks of ways to destroy the village, take it over.

Become the evil king of all lands.

But there's a problem.

And that problem is a girl.

He wants to get rid of her, take her life because she saved everyone in the forest.

But how?

How is he gonna get rid of her?

He looks at the small village once more before turning away and going towards his desk and sitting down, getting out a piece of sketch paper and pen, writing 'The girl' in the middle of the page and circling it.

He looks at the two words he wrote, thinking of ways he could take her life, take the village.

Become king of all everything.

He thinks, thinks of all the mad things he can do, what he will do.

He finally figured it out, his plan.

Smirking, he quickly writes it's down.

When he's done he Lets go of his pen, watching it as it falls on to the paper. He looks at the plan he has made, his plan to take over the village, to take over all villages, become king of everything.

And to get rid of the girl.

Okay, short, I know.


The next one will be longer. Promise!

I'll post the next one soon

Now, I'mma go to bed (it's 11pm on a school night) bye bye loves!

Edit:I'll update the next chapter on Thanksgiving.

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