chapter 10

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Mirielle watches as the fairies go back to their forest.

It took three days to fix up, if it wasn't for the villagers help, it would of took three weeks to fix.

The fairies fly around, gleam on there faces, like they entered a whole new world.

"Ah, Mirielle, there you are"

I look over and see grandfather standing there, smile on his face.

Nodding, I look back at watch the fairies decorate there homes, hearing giggling, seeing smiles, calm faces.

"Mirielle, you did a great job, proud of you my dear"

"If It wasn't for the villagers coming to help it would of token longer to fix up"

Turning and walking back towards the village' her grandfather walking next to her.

"Grandfather, I have to ask you a question"

Her grandfather hums, listening to what she has to ask.

"Little el, there's something wrong with her, I'm not sure what it is but-" not sure what else to say, she looks towards her grandfather who is already looking at her

He sighs and looks at the ground.

"I know. Rumor's has been spreading, about that little girl, some good, mostly bad things" he says sadly

Reaching the village, they spot El with her group of friends, playing around in a sand box

"What if they try to hurt el?"

Grandfather shakes his head, looking lost in thought, watching as the villagers walk around, some looking at little El, others ignoring her present, the rest, smile with Glee.

"You'll be there to help her through it, she relies on you, you can tell by the way she looks at you, like a mother, a mother that she can trust, that cares for her, a sister, someone who would protect her, someone that would get her out of the darkness thats trying to consume her, the waves trying to swallow her, the people trying to destroy's only a matter of time, a race against time"

Back when Els mother was going through labor, I went with her, she wanted me to, I was like her own child.

One day, el's mother water broke. she was transfered to the castle medical center so she could give birth, everything was going well until el's mother stopped breathing. She lost too much blood. everything turned hectic that day, people running around, finding the right kind of medical tools to use... El almost died that day. When they got her out, her cored was wrapped around her neck, choking her, the doctors got the cord and cut it, unwrapped it, but she was still choking.

But they saved her.

We didn't know who they were, they just came in.

They made us all leave, everyone sobbing, worried about they child, and about the woman that lays dead In the hospital bed, eyes open.

She survived.

Little El was born, alive, healthy.

"Shes as beautiful as her mother"

"Wonder what her eyes look like, blue? Amber?"

"She's adorable"

Everyone was happy that El survived, but griving about her mother's death.

Her father took care of her.

Well, for a while he did.

Her father started getting sick, very sick to the point were he couldn't get out of bed, to move, to take care of his two year old child.

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