Chapter 1- A Night In

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Nikki's POV -

It's after a show. It was one of our best ones yet. My ears are still ringing. I'm in my hotel room, waiting for Tommy to come by. We're going to do what we often do on nights like this, hang out, get high and just kick back. It's easy with T-Bone, no bullshit.

For the most part, I love and appreciate all of my band mates. It's a brotherhood to me. Vince and I used to be really close. But lately, we've grown distant from one another. It's really about our egos. We're both assholes. He's a prima donna and I'm a control freak. A toxic blend. We go head to head too often. But, I have to admit that I think that the distance between us is mostly my fault. I've been so buried in my own world of substance abuse, that I've been unsupportive to what he's been going through with the aftermath of his car accident, his mandated sobriety, and his failed marriage. I need to try to work on my attitude with him before we come to blows. We've come close. Fists have been clenched and drawn. When I get fucked up, angry shit just flies out of my mouth with very little warning. I don't always mean it. Worse, is that I've also been directing some of that anger at Mick. He's the most commendable dude around. But boy, I can be really shitty towards him sometimes. I know he doesn't condone nor participate much in the brainless antics that Vince, Tommy, and myself indulge in, but I do know that he cares about us. He tries to pass down his wisdom and experience to us, but it usually falls on deaf ears. I sometimes wonder how many times he's wrung all of our necks in his mind. I know he's right most of the time. But, hey, we're just trying to have some fun while we're young and energized. He'll always keep trying though. I love these guys, but don't think they buy it. I've been too much of a boldfaced asshole lately.

But Tommy, he's my partner in crime, my Terror Twin. He's just so easy going with his sophomoric mindset, that I don't ever need to overthink things with him. I've always seen Tommy as a little bro. He seems to look up to me in admiration. I can't say why, but I think that he's drawn into my dark world. It's something different and risky for him. If he knew the things that actually go through my head, he probably wouldn't be so eager to join me there. But, his devotion towards me, makes me feel respected. I like that because it puts me in control, where I like to be. I often need to affirm myself with Vince and Mick, I never need to with Tommy.

Tommy's POV -

I just got to Nikki's room. He's got the blow and pills, I've got the whiskey. Immediately we lay out some lines, snort them up, and we're already laughing about some sort of fucked up shit that happened earlier today at the concert venue. Generally, on nights like this, we settle on watching some B-rated movie, kinky porn, or MTV. Any of those are good for the wasted mind.

I love these nights with my best friend. I miss him sometimes, as we don't hang out as much as we used to. See, I married my love, Heather, last year. She is my rock and my world, and my favorite person to be with. But there are times that I just need my best friend to unwind with and forget the world. We get that time together when we're on the road. Not every night though, as sometimes we go out to the strip joints, or we bring the party back to the rooms. Then other times, my love joins us on the road for a few days. Damn, I'm so psyched when she's here. I love when she sees me do what I do best up on that stage. I know Nikki usually can't wait for her to go back home. Not because he dislikes her, but he's never been much for relationships and love. He doesn't understand the fulfillment and completion that it gives you. I don't know if he's even capable of loving someone. As much as I think that I know him pretty well, he holds secrets; stuff from a shitty childhood that I think fucked up his perspective on what love should be. I'm sure he yearns for it, but he'd fuck it up.

All of his relationships with his girlfriends, since I've known him, have been rooted in a mutual love of drugs and lust, and have never gone to a deeper place. They never seem to work out well for him. For one, I don't think that he even realizes that banging groupies is cheating when you have a girlfriend. I'm sure it's never even crossed his mind. For him, it's an entitlement that comes with the job. I get it though, it's really hard sometimes to not go there. I do my best to hold out, but there are times I just seem to not be able to control myself. I'm usually racked with guilt for awhile, but then I think.... hey, I work hard, I'm on the road, I deserve a little release sometimes, right?

Heather is meeting us on the road in 5 days, and I just can't wait. I've been strong. I'm going to behave, and then fuck her hot and heavy the second she arrives. Non-stop sex and time together for the 3 days she'll be with me. This might be the longest 5 days ever. My right hand might just become my best asset until Heather gets here.

All In The Name Of.... // Nikki Sixx X Tommy LeeWhere stories live. Discover now