Chapter 14 - Game On

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Tommy's POV-

I've been watching the opening act for awhile from the side of the stage. I think that they're really good. The audience seems to dig them. Nikki tells me that they bore him. It's probably more so that they're a really disciplined band, and although I think these guys like a good time, they're not the party hardy type. Nikki always wants people to party with us, so that we can show off to them how we do it best. We have a reputation to keep up. A bad reputation, but that's what we strive for. 

The support band is on their final encore song. I wander back stage. We'll be on after the set change. When I round the corner, I spy Mick chatting with the back-up singer in a darkened corner. I act like I don't see them because frankly, I don’t care. Then I see Vince and Nikki whooping it up, probably swapping stories about their sloppy dressing room conquests. 

I sit back down on the couch that I was on before. I'm starting to feel anxious about Nikki ignoring me. I would really just like to clear the air between before the show. I hate when conflict is ignored and silenced. To me, it's like death. The death of a chance of resolution and peace in my soul. I hate fucking drama. I like it easy. Life just needs to be easy to live the best life you can. I know hardships and conflict befall everyone, but not finding resolution for those things can be worse. To me it’s like death. It will eat away at me. 

I decide that I need to approach Nikki now. As I begin to rise from the couch, the members from the other band start flooding in backstage. There’s too much activity afoot right now. I flop back down on the couch and bide my time, thinking that I might need to go over what I want to say beforehand, and how I’m going to handle the snide comments that I already know Nikki will retort. 

He’s such a dick sometimes, but I know a lot of it is to cover up his insecurities and the demons that are haunting him. When I remember that about him, it always makes me feel more sympathetic towards him. If he knows what’s good for him, he’s going to need to confront whatever it is that he’s running from. He can’t be an asshole his entire life. Or maybe he can, because I know his life is going to be cut short if he keeps up his way of living. What’s it going to take, Nikki, to wake you up? 

I know that we all need an awakening. Who am I to judge Nikki, when I’m actually not much better off. It’s just that I’m not hiding shit or running from demons. I confront everything, so that I have peace. Nikki’s paranoia and fears, along with the substance abuse, are going to contribute to a harder, faster downward fall. He needs a day of reckoning, and I hope it won’t be on his deathbed. He’s just too prideful for counseling and rehab. Maybe we can get him to agree to shock therapy, I smirk as I think about that.

 I decide that I need to handle Nikki’s response with a grain of salt. I know that he will never give me a heartfelt apology nor will he agree to sit and talk things out. He just won’t ever. I think that I’ll have to just settle for what I get, as long as he kind of agrees to just let things go, and we go back to just being, Tommy and Nikki, the Terror Twins.


Our stage manager tells us we're on in 10 minutes. I get up to catch Nikki, and his bass technician cuts in before me. I need to wait again, until Tim gets whatever it is straightened out. Tim finally leaves, but then Nikki announces that he needs to piss. Time is running down, but the good news, for me, although not good news for maintenance, is that Nikki usually just pisses on the floor somewhere backstage instead of wasting time finding a bathroom.

 I realize that there's no time to talk now, but I at least will feel better if I ask him if we could talk after the show. We get the 2 minute warning. I see Nikki coming back towards the stage. He's about to walk right past me, but I grab his foreman, and ask him, "Nikki, can we please talk after the show? Please?" 

He shakes his head no, flashes his impish sideways grin again and says, "There's nothing to talk about, baby. It was just sex. Isn't that what we live? A life of sex, drugs, and rock and roll? Just like our opening song, 'All in the Name of…. Rock and Roll'. Right? See you out there T-Bone" He breaks free of my grasp, and runs towards his bass guitars, spins around once more to give me a thumbs up, and then picks up his selected bass and heads to the stage. 

The stage manager is now in my face, “One minute Lee! Get behind your fucking drum kit!!!” As I sprint to it, I think to myself, ‘It’s just sex?’ says the one who couldn’t even look me in the eyes during the sex, was trembling with trepidation beneath my body, and became melted putty in my hands. And now he’s strutting around like a big shot because he thinks he’s top dog again and has his puppy back in his place, lapping at his master’s feet. I see your game Nikki. Guess what, this puppy wants to play, and is feeling frisky and aggressive. I want him in my custody again. If my wife were here, things would be different, but we have 4 days before she arrives. In that time, Nikki will be the whimpering pup, and I will be owning him. 

Let’s play.

My sticks hit the drums…we're live. It's gonna be a good show. 

Game on Sixx----

*** Finished! My first book. I hope my tiny pocketful of readers liked it. Thank you. Good thing I left it open ended, because I got bored, waiting for updates to the stories that I like to read. I wrote a part 2. Still tweaking the end.  Started a part 3. Having a harder time with the premise for that one. I'll see if find my groove with it. I'll start uploading part 2 by next week. I dont have a title yet.

All In The Name Of.... // Nikki Sixx X Tommy LeeWhere stories live. Discover now