Chapter 4 - Anticipation

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**Warning - heavy smut (gay). Also a reference to rape.****

Nikki's POV -

Holy shit! This is happening. I'm nervous, and nervousness has never been one of my sexual personality traits. Tommy pushes my legs open and climbs back on top of me, and now we are both fully unclothed. I can't catch my breath; I feel every bit of him. He leans into me, and asks if I've ever done this before. One might think that I've done it all, but the answer is "no"; it's never appealed to me.

I mean, I don't really know for sure what all I've done. Back in our early 'Shout' days, things were really fucked up. I was heavily into drug and sexual experimentation. There were orgies, and I'd wake up from drug and alcohol binges that were several days long. I would not know how long I've been out, where I was, where my clothes were, and what the fuck happened; all while some sort of pain was radiating from any given region of my body, which was also often bruised and bloodied. Vince swears that he saw me getting raped at one of these benders. I was out cold, naked on the floor in a darkened room. Vince laid on a couch about 20 feet away from me. He was nearly as fucked up as me, but at least was somewhat lucid. He told me that some guy came over and mounted my unconscious body. Vince told me I stirred, and picked my head up from the ground, but the guy just pushed my head back down and finished his business. I guess I was too fucked up to care or understand what was happening. Vince couldn't do anything to help me either. In his state, he either would have been knocked flat by the guy for interfering or become the rapist second conquest. It doesn't really bother me. I don't remember any of this shit, if it even happened. Sometimes I wonder though, who it was, and if this person is or was in our circle. I started to speculate when I'd see people giving me weird looks, but then again, everyone gives me weird looks, so how the fuck can I know. I just hate that somebody out there knows what he did, and I don't, so I can't fuck him up. That used to get to me, but it's been a while since those dark days. Now the dope is the only thing fucking with me. Oh, and Tommy, as of late.

I tell him no, I haven't done this before. And he immediately says, me neither. We're virgins. Actually, both of us are very familiar with the concept of this kind of sex. We fuck girls in the ass all of time. Sometimes it's a thing of dominance, sometimes it's to avoid pregnancy, and sometimes it's because we're in the mood for a tight squeeze rather than the warm, wet environment of the pussy. We also both know the extraordinary feeling that comes from being fingered or having sexual toys inserted in own asses by our playful partners. The prostate gland gets stimulated, and with patience and the right strokes it can produce a non-ejaculating orgasm. It's intense, last longer, and encompasses your whole being. I want to feel this from Tommy. I can't tell him, but I know he'll know what to do. Tommy kisses my lips, and slides back off of me. He's now standing at the foot of the bed, between my feet, which are hanging off. He's thinking...I'm waiting.

Tommy's POV -

I'm pretty surprised that Sixx has never done this before. I thought that he's done it all. I mean, I know he's not gay, but I figured that partying and drugs and alcohol would have led him down this path a time or two. As I stand and stare at Nikki, I'm struck with another difference between him and a female. His legs are muscular and solid, not easily manipulative in the way that a woman's silky, limber legs would be. I often place my lady's legs on my shoulders or wrap them around my waist. That's not happening with Sixx.

As I contemplate this situation, I decide that I need to start fingering him. I'm well-endowed, and I need to give him time to adjust. Plus the orgasm I want him to experience takes a little time to culture. I walk over to his nightstand and open the drawer to pull out the lube. Yeah, we all keep a tube there for jerking off on lonely nights and for girls' asses. It's an unspoken thing among us, we all just know it's there; home and on the road. Lube is vital here. The ass is not like a pussy; it doesn't self-lubricate. I spread Nikki's legs a bit further apart. I reach up and lightly slap his knee a few times, indicating that I want him to bend his knees and pull himself into the missionary position. He knows. I place my hands under his thighs to pull him forward. I can't actually move him myself, but again, he knows what I want him to do. He repositions himself closer to the edge of the bed. I make my finger shiny with the gel. I place my left hand on Nikki's hip, and insert a finger from my right hand into Nikki's ass. He moans and tightens his breathing. I begin pumping him with my wet finger. I can feel where his orgasmic spot is inside. There's a slight bump, and with my palm facing up, I make sure that my finger bends in towards it, as I rub up and down. After only about a minute, I decide that it's time for two fingers. I get another ready, and reinsert. Nikkis is throwing his head back and whimpering. I ask him if he likes it, and he won't answer me. I fulfill him for a little while, and I think it's time for 3 fingers. If I can get my 3 man-sized fingers in, I know that he'll be okay with my size. I'm in with three, and Nikki is already panting and trembling.

As I continue the thrust of my fingers in him, with my right hand, I decide to grab his erection with my left, and stroke him a bit. I become hungry for him, so I drop to my knees, and lean forward to take his shaft in my mouth. I can tell Nikki likes it, as he starts bucking his hips slightly to my rhythm. It's time to start thinking of myself. I let go of him, and pull my fingers out. I stand back up. I know how I'll do this. I can't lift his legs with ease, so I quickly grab a pillow to place under his hips for better positioning. He lifts himself up off the bed, just a bit, to allow me to get it underneath him. I then push his legs as fars apart as I can.

I realize even with the pillow, the bed is still a bit too low for my long legs to fuck Nikki from a standing position. I'll have to have at least one knee on the bed. I generously lube up my dick, place my left knee on the bed, my right foot still on the ground and line myself up to push into Nikki. I begin to enter and he tenses up, probably from a bit of pain. As I push in a bit further, he's shuddering and starts moaning more audibly than he has the whole night. I'm shuddering a bit too. It feels incredible to finally be inside him. It's a tight fit, and I love the pressure of the squeeze that I'm feeling. I'm moaning too now. I want to push in all the way, but I know where I need to focus on inside him. I stay somewhat shallow to start so that I can continue to stimulate his spot. I want the head of my shaft to rub up and down right there. As I'm gliding in and out, I see Nikki look up at me. There's desperation in his eyes and in his brooding lips. He rolls his eyes back, and shuts them again, throwing his head back too. He's feeling good, and so am I. Good gravy....

All In The Name Of.... // Nikki Sixx X Tommy LeeWhere stories live. Discover now