Chapter 27

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I woke up to almost instant pain. I helped in pain and sat up. Almost immediately Darryl was at my side, "Are you okay?"

He can't know that I'm in pain.

"Yeah." I said, grinning.

"Are you sure?" He asked, "Why'd you yell?"

"I got scared because I saw your face." I joked, trying to distract him.

He frowned and said, "Hey, that's not very nice."

I just laughed and started to stand up. Of course it hurt but I tired my best not to show it.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Pretty good actually." I replied.

I glanced at Clay, "How is he?"

"Better." Darryl replied, "He's not very talkative though."

I nodded and looked at Zelk and George. They both smiled at me and stood up. "You okay now?" Zelk asked.

I smiled back and said, "Yeah, I'm feeling much better."

Zelk smiled in relief, but George seemed a bit suspicious. He looked me up and down before giving a half smile and saying, "Are we going to get moving?"

"Yeah." Darryl said.

They all began to walk away but as George walked by me he said, "We're talking about this later."

Sorry for the short chapter :(

Omg idk what's wrong with me today. I don't know what happened. I feel so drained, I don't why but I'm just in the worst mood. Out of nowhere all of my problems seemed to hit me at once.

My hands are literally shaking wtf

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