Chapter One

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I understand that because my main character is sixteen, that this would be considered young adult. However, due to mature themes such as drugs, violence, and language, it's more considered new adult. This work is a piece of fiction, so it is completely coincidental if any names, scenes or places are 'real'.

This is my Nanowrimo piece of work, so this story will be updated regularly, and because I am so obsessed with the characters - especially Oliver and Sierra - updates will be fast considering I write most chapters in a day. I really do hope someone is kind enough to take the time to read this work, seeing as my other story isn't having much luck. So please, someone be kind enough to take a look. I appreciate it so much.


Growing up, my parents made it clear that drugs were not going to be tolerated if we were to be living under their roof. I never thought it was something I would ever get into. Didn't see the point. But some people at school made such a big deal about it, thinking that smoking weed and shooting up heroin and popping pills were the cool thing to do. But me? I thought it was stupid.

My brother on the other hand? He lived for smoking weed. Did it every day. I was sure he did other things, too, though, even though I' had only ever caught him smoking. I smelled it on him every day. My parents, too, but neither them nor I ever asked him about it. So I always thought they didn't care even though they told us to never do it, but I guess I was wrong.

We both were.

Which was why I was surprised that they woke me up at seven this morning and told me to get ready. At first, I didn't want to get out of bed. I kept the blankets over my head and groaned, but my mother wasn't having it. She pulled the blanket off me and stood over me, hands on waist.

"Sierra, up. Now."

Her tone alone made me shoot upright, and I groaned again. "Fine. I'm up. But why? It's Saturday."

"We're going somewhere. Get ready and be downstairs in ten minutes. Don't go back to sleep." She turned and walked to the door. "And Sierra, I'm sorry."

I didn't know why she was sorry. It surely couldn't be because she made me get up too early on a weekend. It didn't help that I didn't get into bed until three because I was out with my boyfriend all night.

Following my mother's directions, I got dressed in a t-shirt and jeans and threw my hair sloppily into a ponytail. I didn't think we were going anywhere important, so it wasn't like I was going to get dressed in something nice. With another yawn, I trudged out of my room and downstairs. My parents and brother were already in the foyer waiting for me.

I glanced at my brother, Adam. He had a scowl on his face, and his ice blue eyes were bloodshot red. It looked like he didn't sleep in days. He was rubbing his arms and pacing back and forth, and I quirked an eyebrow. Why did he seem so on edge? What was wrong with him?

"Let's go," my mother said, leading us out the front door.

"Where are we going? I have somewhere to be." This came from Adam. I snuck another glance at him and sighed. He ran a hand through his hair, lips curled into a scowl. "Better yet, I'm not going."

My mother whirled on her heel, giving him a look that always made me want to hide in a corner. If there was one thing about my mother, it was that when she was angry, you didn't want to be around her. Her nose would flare, and anger would flash in her eyes. She honestly scared me sometimes. If I thought my brother's temper was bad at times, hers? She was on a whole 'nother level.

My dad didn't wear the pants in their marriage. My mom did.

"You will not talk to me that way, Adam. Now get in the damn car. We have to go."

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