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It probably wasn't the best decision, but I ended up going to school anyway. It just wasn't the same at home with Adam not there, and to be honest, it made me a little uncomfortable. He was just murdered there, and police lined the roads just in case someone else came. So no. I wanted to be somewhere other than there.

I still wouldn't talk to Oliver. Brody may have told me not to blame him, but something kept telling me in the back of my head that it started with him. Could one really blame me, though? Rodney would not have even gotten in any of our lives if it wasn't for him. It was his fault my brother was gone. What the hell did football players need pain medication for, anyway? If it was that serious, why not go to the doctors?

My mother dropped me off at the front of school. I could tell she had something to say, but I was already out of the car and closing the door before she could utter a word. Gripping the strings of my backpack, I started my journey up to the school. I couldn't remember the last time I had been here. It wasn't too long ago.

It didn't surprise me that people were staring at me. By now, everyone had heard that my brother was killed, but at least they didn't know by who and why he was murdered. People gave me sympathetic looks, some snickering and some laughing. Teachers were giving me their stupid ass condolences, but in reality, the ones who knew my brother were disappointed. Disappointed that he went down the wrong path.

I wondered what kind of rumors were going to be circled around the school about him. Some of them couldn't be good. Deciding not to indulge in any of those thoughts, I made my way to my brother's locker. There were people surrounding it, and a picture of him was taped to it. Some girls were writing notes and putting them around his picture, and flowers littered the floor. When they saw me approach, they backed away a few steps.

Remembering his locker combination, I turned the dial until it clicked three times, and then swung the door open. Notes fell out and fluttered to the ground, and I sighed, bending down to pick some of them up. The feeling of everyone's gaze burning into me made me uncomfortable, but I didn't, couldn't, find it in me to say anything. It wouldn't do any good.

A hand reached down to help me pick the letters up, and when I glanced up to see who it was, I sighed. Oliver smiled softly, but all I could do was stare at him. There was nothing to say to him, nothing that I wanted to anyway. As he handed me the rest of the letters, I didn't even give him a thank you. Instead, I closed my brother's locker and turned on my heel, finding myself walk away.

"Sierra, wait!" he called after me, but I pretended not to hear him.

I walked down the hallway, all of the other students just standing on either side of me, and they watched me walk off. Maybe being at school today wasn't a good idea. It wasn't time. I wasn't ready. Just as I turned down the corridor that led me to the front doors, I ran into someone. And, dammit, there went all the letters again.


"Hey," I said as he helped me repick up the letters.

"Leaving already?" I nodded. "Want me to come?"

Before I could tell him he was allowed to come with me, a pair of heels clicking on the tiled floor, and a squealy voice that followed filled our ears. We looked to our right and saw Chloe standing there, hands on waist, with a scowl on her face. Brody grimaced beside me, but nonetheless, went to peck her on the lips. She moved her head away so that his lips hit her cheek instead. I blinked. What was she mad about?

They instantly began arguing, and I didn't have time for this. I didn't even let Brody know I was leaving. I just walked out the front double doors and started on my semi long trek home. Both of my parents were gone when I got there, which meant they were probably making plans for Adam's funeral on Sunday. I was already dreading it. Because I knew there would be accusing glances and silent judgements. Fake pity and insincere apologies. I already knew what everybody thought of my brother the moment he changed from golden boy to drug addict.

Instead of going to my room, I went to my brother's. I placed the letters people left in my brother's locker on his desk, and when I did so, something caught my eye. It was an envelope with my name on it. Did my brother leave this for me the day he was murdered? Was that what took him so long before he was going to go to jail? I opened it and read what he had written.

Sierra, if you're reading this, I'm in jail. I turned myself, as you heard, for murder. I gave you my class ring because you are the most important person in my life, and you know how I don't let anybody touch it. I'm sorry I couldn't be the brother I promised to be for you, and I do want you to know that I really do love you. There aren't enough words I can say or ways I can show you how sorry I really am.

Truthfully, I didn't kill anybody. But I helped Rodney, and I hate myself for it. But the reason I took the fall for it was to keep you out of danger. Even though Rodney is in jail, this isn't all over. There's people who is out there to get revenge on me for having him locked up, and this letter is a warning. Sierra, again, I'm sorry. I think I have got you into bigger shit than what you've already been through. I need you to pack your stuff up and get out of town. Fast. Take Oliver. Tell Mom and Dad you have to leave, but don't say where. You need to go.

I hate that this has all came down to this. Where you have to run and hide to keep from being killed. My heart hurts thinking about the damage I caused and how much danger I put you in. You can hate me all over again. I don't blame you because I deserve it. But promise me one thing. Promise me that you'll stay safe and do what I told you. I love you, Sierra. I always will.


Your older brother, Adam.

P.S: There's two thousand dollars in the safe in my closet. The digits to unlock it is the code to my phone. Use that money to get the hell out of town, and please, don't question how I got the money. It's best that you don't know. I love you.

I gripped the letter in my hands and blinked hard. Tears fell onto the paper, smearing some of the words, and I started to shake. This wasn't over. It wasn't even close to being over. I knew that plan to get Rodney in prison was a bad idea, and now look what was happening. My life was in more danger than before. All because my family help put the man in prison.

"Sierra?" I jumped at the sound of Oliver's voice and I looked at him. "What's wrong?"

Not able to find the words, I gave him the letter. He read it over carefully before his eyes widened in shock and horror. "It's n-not o-over." But I should have guessed that Adam's death wasn't the end of it all. Will there ever be an end?

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