Chapter Seven

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I remembered the first day of my high school career like it was yesterday. Adam was giving me a pep talk, telling me the ins and outs of high school in hopes that I would follow along so that I stayed out of trouble. He told me what kind of people to hang out with and the people who I shouldn't even bother glancing at. And of course, being the naïve little sister that I was, I listened to him.

I got a boyfriend, found my perfect friend – who I wished I could consider a best friend but really, she was more of an acquaintance now – did my schoolwork and passed all my classes. Adam even helped me study. But there was one conversation in particular that we had, that stood out to me and stayed engraved at the top of my mind.

It was about him. How he promised with all his heart that he would always be the bigger brother that I looked up to. And for the most part, I did. He was my idol. Made me who I was. Thick skinned, blunt, hard to take advantage of. Yet I was still that nice girl that people tried to walk all over, but I didn't let them. I could thank Adam for that.

He said he would always be there for me, and nothing in the world was going to make that change. He promised me that he'd make sure I was happy. But all promises were meant to be broken, right? Because I wasn't happy. My older brother was put in rehab because his addiction was getting out of control. And, by the way he was glaring daggers at me, I could tell he blamed me for being here. After all, I was the one who convinced to do the six-month program.

Anger was still evident in his eyes, and it made me want to cower away. I had never seen him this mad at me. His hair was disheveled and dark bags hung underneath his eyes. I didn't think Adam was getting much sleep, but how could he in this stressful time?

I balled my hands into fists, biting the inside of my cheek. What was I supposed to say? I had so many questions to ask him, but now that he was sitting in front of me, my mouth couldn't form any words. My gaze shifted to Oliver, who nodded, squeezing my legs. He had been really good at comforting me these past two weeks, even though he was hiding things from me, too. Should I confront them both? No, it wasn't really the right time for that.

I took in a deep breath, my body shaking slightly. God, it wasn't supposed to be this nerve wrecking the see your brother. Finally, I gave in enough courage to ask him what had been on my mind for the past week. And that was Rodney's words were about.

"Did you put me in danger?" My voice was barely above a whisper, and if it wasn't for the sudden shock evident in my brother's eyes, I would have figured he didn't hear me. "Adam?"

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

I flinched at his tone of voice. It was low, rough, and deadly. He never came off that way to me, and my question must have taken him off guard. That was the reason he was being cold toward me, right?


"I h-heard your messages on your phone, Adam. Someone threatened to kill me if you didn't have their money. Was it Rodney?" But I already knew the answer to that question.

His glare shifted over to Oliver, and he slammed his hand on the table. I jumped. "You let her get my phone? What the fuck, man?"

Oliver raised his hands in defense. "I didn't know she was going to find it." He sighed. "But she did. And that's not the point. She's being threatened, Adam, because of your fuckups."

"How much money do you owe, Adam?" I asked, directing his attention back to me. "I could pay it with my savings' account. I can ask Mom-" the murderous look in his eyes cut me off, and this time I really was tempted to run and hide.

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