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Agent Strafford was at our house in record time. Apparently he and the other agents hadn't gone back to their headquarters yet because they were finishing up some last-minute stuff. My parents gave them the letter – after tearing the bottom part about the money before they got here – and Strafford read it. When he was done, he ran a hand over his bald head.

"And you have no idea who this person could be?" he asked me, and I shook my head.

"No. But at the burial I saw that same black car. The one that sped off after Adam got shot in the head." Strafford nodded. "Well, if what your brother is saying is accurate, then we need to take precautions. Unfortunately, my boss probably won't take the precautions necessary without proof that someone is after you."

My mother threw her hands up. "And her seeing that black car isn't enough."

"I'm afraid not, ma'am.

"So what? Because we have no proof, we just have to wait until my daughter ends up dead too for you guys to take this seriously? Well, let me tell you something. I am a corporate lawyer, and when I say I know people, I know people. You get your boss to do something about this, or I'll go above him." The tone of my mother's voice made Strafford widen his eyes in surprise, and he went to go make a phone call.

My mother left my room, and my dad followed after home. Being left alone in my room again, I began thinking things over in my head. If I did leave town, would Oliver really be willing to go with me? Would his parents even let him? My hands shook as I picked up one of the pictures on my desk. My fingers grazed over Adam's smiling face, and I held back the tears that threatened to spill.

My mom came back into the room with a couple of suitcases and dropped them on the floor. "I have a feeling they're going to help, but in case they say no, I want you to pack your stuff anyway. If they don't get you out of town, then I will. I already lost one child. I am not losing you, too."

She left the room without another word, and I began packing my stuff. I didn't know where I was going, but I really wished I didn't have to run and hide. Why did my life at to be put in danger? None of this was my fault and none of this had anything to do with me. besides, my brother was dead. Wasn't that enough?

After I was done filling all the suitcases and getting the money out of the safe, I went downstairs to find my parents talking with Strafford. My mother hand her hands on her waist, eyes narrowed, and I heard the end of what Strafford was saying.

"We have another safe house in Georgia we can take her too. Until we catch the guy."

"And if you don't catch him? And my baby girl dies, I hold you all responsible."

"Ma'am, don't be so negative. We'll do everything we can to make sure we catch whoever is posing a threat to your daughter. You just have to trust us." Strafford turned to look at me. "Are you sure you're up to packing all your stuff and leaving everything behind?"

I sighed. "I don't think I have a choice." I sat down. "Oliver will be coming with me? So I'm not alone? Adam suggested he should go." I know my voice came off as pleading and hopeful, and Strafford nodded.

"We can't make him go. That's all up to him. If you want to call him, go right on ahead. But we need to make this quick."

I did as I was told. I went to my room to get some privacy while I called him. Not to my surprise, he agreed to go. Oliver did ask his parents first, and when they gave in, he told me he'd be at my house in twenty.

He made it in fifteen, with his suitcases in hand. I bid both of my parents goodbye. Mom hugged for me what seemed like forever, and she kept repeating that everything was going to be okay and to call her whenever I had the chance. It was like going to that last safe house all over again. The hard goodbyes that ended with heartbreak and tears.

Tucking my hair behind my shoulders, my gave me one last kiss on the forehead, and I gave my dad a quick hug too. After telling them I loved them, Oliver and I followed Strafford out the door. We got into the SUV, and I asked Strafford if we could stop by my brother's grave first. He was hesitant at first, but he agreed after a moment.

Once we reach the cemetery, I went to Adam's grave by myself. I got on my knees and brushed my fingers over the headstone. It read: A loving brother, son and best friend. I sighed. At least those words were true.

"Adam, I know you can't hear me right now. But I want to let you know that Oliver and I are doing what you said and we're getting out of town. There's a safehouse we're going to, somewhere in Georgia. I think we're being a part of a witness protection program until they figure out if I'm in danger or not. Anyway, I'm glad you're in a better place right now. I miss you already, and I love you with all my heart.

"I'm sure everything will be taken care of once they find the ones trying to plot revenge on you. On me. I hope they find him soon, because I don't want to live my life in hiding. I'm too young for all of this. You were too young to die. I wish I could stay longer to keep you company and to talk to you, but Agent Strafford is waiting for me because we're in a hurry. I'm just worried about one thing. Will Mom and Dad be okay, too? Or are they going into their own hiding?" I sighed, thinking I probably sound dumb talking to myself right now.

I stood up and brushed the dirt off my knees. When Agent Strafford called my name, I turned on my heel and started walking back up the pathway. Just as I was about to get into the SUV, was being tackled to the ground by Oliver. When I heard the sound of squealing tires, I looked up.

That same black car was storming off, and I shared a look with Oliver. He seemed relieved, and my heart was beating a million miles a second. He just saved me from being shot, and if Agent Strafford and the others didn't think I was in danger, he must think so now. I shook as Oliver helped me to my feet and got me into the vehicle.

Strafford was already on the phone, but I was too much in panic to listen to what he was saying. Oliver held me close and rocked back and forth, and my eyes stayed wide open and I bit my nails. If it wasn't for Oliver I would be dead right now. I owed him my life.

"They're putting an APB on the car that just sped out of here. But we need to go and get you to save that safehouse so that we can protect you."

Nothing was said after that, and I just stayed being held in Oliver's arms as Strafford drove to the airport. When we got there, Strafford checked the surroundings to see if there was anybody suspicious around before pushing us in the direction of the airplane.

"We're taking a private jet to Georgia so we don't risk being followed onto a plane by anybody. You're going to be safe, Sierra. We'll do everything in our power to make sure we catch whoever tried killing you earlier."

I nodded, not able to find my voice. When we got to the big black jet, Strafford took my suitcases and led us up the stairs to get into. The wind blew my hair all around, whipping me in the face, and I hugged my jacket closer to me. Oliver sat in the chair across from me and leaned over so he could grab my hands.

Just then, a lady walked up and asked if we wanted anything to eat or drink. When we told her no, she walked away. Strafford took the chair on the other side of the jet, and we sat in silence as it took off. I wanted to look in the window to see us get off land, but I was afraid of heights and I already beginning so uneasy, that I ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet until there was nothing left. Oliver was quick to check to see if I was okay.

It was only going to take us an hour to get to Georgia, and an hour was enough for me to close my eyes and try to get some sleep. Anything to get my mind off the past couple of months. When I slowly drifted off into a slumber, I felt Oliver brushing his fingers through my hair.

And when I woke up an hour later, Strafford looked down at me with a small smile. "Welcome to Georgia."

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