Chapter Twenty

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It had been five days. Five days since we escaped. My parents never came back, and Rodney hadn't been here. It was as if he forgot about us, or didn't even care. Yet I knew better than to believe any of that. He was probably waiting for the perfect opportunity to attack. From what I gathered from Rodney, that was probably it.

Over the course of the five days, I didn't go to school. Oliver didn't either. In fact, he never left our house. He called home everyday to let his parents know that he was okay. Not only that, he did it to make sure they weren't in any danger. We didn't know how far Rodney was going to go. Thankfully, Oliver said his parents were going out of town for two weeks, which meant they were safe. The only people who weren't? Me, my brother, and Oliver.

Adam was broody and stayed locked in his way. He would hardly come out, and when he did, he was moody and cursing and slamming doors. Oliver said it was normal for people coming down from a high, so I didn't question it. The kiss I wanted to happen between Oliver and I was never brought up, but he kept giving me glances and I kept giving them in return.

I was in the kitchen making a sandwich when Oliver came up behind me. he pressed up against me, causing me to drop the butter knife onto the counter. When he placed his hands on my waist, I gasped in surprise. He turned me until I was facing him, and his face was so close to mine, I could hear his breathing. It mingled with my own, and something flashed in his eyes. I gripped the countertop with sweaty hands and didn't break eye contact with him.

"Oliver, what are you doing?"

He pressed harder against me, and for a moment, I stopped breathing. It was getting hot, and sweat matted my hair to my forehead. Oliver didn't say anything. Didn't move any closer. His gaze shifted to my lips and lingered there. I wanted to grab his shirt and pull him into a kiss, but I didn't know how he would react. I wished I could read his mind and listen to what he was thinking. What he was doing. What he wanted to do.

"I shouldn't be feeling this way," he said so low I almost didn't hear him. "This isn't the right time, Sierra. I know I told you I would tell you what I was dying to tell you for a long time when this was all over, but I'm not too sure when that will be. And I can't hold it in any longer." What the hell was he talking about?


"Sierra," he whispered, leaning closer to me if it was even possible. His lips almost brushed against mine, but not quite. "There's always been something about you that caught my attention. And somehow, I thought I had feelings for you. But you're my brother's little sister which meant you were off limits. Plus, you were dating Brody, and I thought that maybe my mind was playing tricks on me." He paused, bringing a hand up to my face.

There were still cuts on my face, and my lips were still slightly swollen and my eyes bruised. My entire body was still throbbing with pain, but it was easy to not think about when Oliver was this close to me.

"But then your brother went to rehab and Brody broke up with you and you were so vulnerable and heartbroken. I had to be there for you. Not just because I promised Adam if there was ever a time he wasn't able to watch over you, then I would. And it was then that I finally realized that what I was feeling? Wasn't just from pity and feeling the need to comfort you and be there for you. Sierra, I like you. A lot.

"I don't know why. I don't know how you did it. Actually, you didn't do anything. In fact, I never thought you felt anything for me in return because you were so caught up with Brody. And he didn't deserve you, but neither do I. B-"

"Oliver," I said, interrupting him.


"Just shut up and kiss me."

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