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I was running for my life. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw that the people following me were close on my tail, so I had to push my short legs to go faster. I knew I should have joined the track team, but it wasn't something I wanted to do. Surely it would have come in handy in this situation.

There was a turn coming up on my left, and when I reached, I made it. The sound of my shoes on the pavement filled my ears, but so did my followers'. I made another turn and shimmied my way into a tight corner, sucking in a breath and keeping a hand over my mouth to keep them from hearing me.

A few men went by, and I wanted to let out the breath I was desperately trying to hold back. But I wasn't sure if there was anybody else. I didn't hear anybody else. So I stood there for a good ten minutes before letting out my breath and peaking around the corner. There was nobody.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips, and I got out of the corner. When I was sure there was nobody else around me, I took back off in the direction of my home, running as fast as I could. But it all came to short when someone tackled me to the ground. A scream tried to escape my cracked lips, but a hand covered my mouth. My head almost came in contact with the pavement. The person who tackled me, however, had his arm under my head so that I wouldn't hit it.

They flipped me over, and my eyes came into contact with a familiar pair of grey ones. Oliver smiled softly at me, placing a finger over his lips. What was he doing here? How did he get here? He hoisted me up to my feet, pulling me closer to him, and led me down an alley to where his truck was parked. Opening the door for me, he ushered me inside and closed it, and then jogged to the other side and got in.

As he turned the ignition on, he glanced at me. "We have to go."

But before he could back out, someone had appeared on his side of the door. My mouth opened, a scream threatening to come out when a gun was lifted, but the sound of the gun going off echoed loudly, covering my screams and turning it into nothing.

I jolted to wake almost immediately, threat pouring down my forehead. My sheets were soaked, and if I didn't know any better, I would have thought someone dumped water all over me. I glanced at my alarm clock. It was only three in the morning.

Getting out of bed, I wrapped a blanket around my body and went to the kitchen. There was no point in trying to go back to bed. It was going to impossible, especially after that nightmare. I fixed me a glass of orange juice and sat down at the kitchen table. Resting my face in the palm of my hands, I sighed. What was I supposed to do for the next couple of hours?

I was tempted to call Brody, knowing that sometimes he was awake at this time playing video games, but thought against it. He literally just broke up with me. The last thing he wanted was to talk to me. I was sure of it. Yet, I couldn't help but dial his number anyway in hopes that he would answer.

Nope. Nothing.

Should I call Oliver? No, he was asleep. And besides, why would he want to listen to me tell him about my nightmare? It was scary, and I couldn't possibly understand why he got murdered in my dream. And by whom, I didn't know. The person was unrecognizable because from what I remembered in my nightmare, they were wearing a hoody with a black ski mask on.

My heart was erratic in my chest, and I had to take several calming breaths to get it under control. I downed my orange juice and stood up. I placed the glass in the dish washer and made my way back upstairs. My body was sticky from sweating, and my hair was matted to my forehead. A cold shower was something I definitely needed to cool down. I turned the shower on, making sure it was as cold as possible, and stepped inside after undressing.

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