Chapter Four

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Oliver said he was going to take me somewhere; he just wouldn't tell me where that somewhere was. So I sat in the passenger seat of his truck, staring out the window, watching as the trees went by in a blur. It was nearing eight o'clock, so the sun was beginning to set.

I should be nervous. I didn't know where we were; we'd been driving for thirty minutes now. But I wasn't. Oliver kept reassuring me that it would be okay, that we were almost there, and I believed him. It wasn't like he gave me a reason not to, despite him not telling me why he was in my brother's truck the other day.

I hadn't told him about the phone call yet. It didn't seem like the right time. But honestly, was there ever a right now to tell somebody like that? I was still shaken up about it because I didn't know who it was and didn't don't how they got my number. It scared me, though. Because if my brother got into some shit that would ultimately get me hurt, there was going to be some serious problems.

Finally, after what felt like forever, Oliver turned into a dirt road. It was a bumpy ride all the way down the road, but when we made one more right turn and went about another half mile up, we stopped. I hopped out of the truck, slamming the door shut, and met Oliver on the other side. I stared at him quizzically. Where were we?

Neither of still said anything. Instead, we began walking down a dirt path until we reached an open field. My mouth turned into a 'o' shape as I took in the surroundings. It was definitely private property based on the sign that was sticking on the ground. The field led out to a dock, where there was a lake. There were several benches scattered about, most of them sitting under trees for a good shade. The light poles were making it easy for me to see everything, and it seemed beautiful. Like a quiet place to get away to.

Oliver led me out onto the dock, where I took my shoes and socks off and sat down. I let my feet dangle over the edge, and I placed my palms face down behind me so that I could lean back. A content sigh escaped my lips. This was so peaceful, and it was definitely something I needed.

"Your brother and I used to come all the time, before he got on the drugs. My grandparents owned the land, but they passed away a year ago and they left it for me." I didn't respond. Instead, I let him continue talking. "This was kind of our place. Threw a few parties since it was private and nobody could call the police on us." He chuckled. "But it was mainly a place for us to go to when we wanted to run away from our problems."

I glanced over at him, and he was staring straight ahead, eyes void of any emotion. "I'm sorry," I said, even though I knew that wasn't what he wanted to hear. "I know it sucks losing your best friend. I lost mine, too." I blinked back a tear. I refused to cry. "I just wish I knew what made him change."

"Not a what, Sierra. A who." He shook his head, hair falling in his eyes. He moved them out of the way. "He met some guys at the end of summer. I don't know where he met them. He never told me. All I know is that the more he hung out with them, the quicker he changed. He started smoking weed, which led to taking pills and then led to sticking a needle in his arm. No offense, Sierra, but your brother a fucking moron."

"Did he get himself into some trouble?" I asked. When his eyes met mine, I saw a look of confusion, so I elaborated a little. "I got a phone call right before I called you..." I trailed off when Oliver's eyebrows narrowed into slits.

"A phone call?"

My head nodded. "Yeah. From a private number. And of course, me being the curious person that I am, answered it. I kind of wished I didn't."

"What did they say?" I relayed the message to him, and Oliver grabbed hold of my hand. "They threatened you, Sierra? Fucking hell. I had no idea what he got himself into it, but it doesn't sound good."

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