Chapter Fourteen

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"If you could have anything in the world, what would it be?"

My brother looked at me as I contemplated his answer. Honestly, there wasn't much I wanted because I had everything I ever needed. A boyfriend, a best friend, my parents and Adam. But, if I had to choose, then I would have to say,

"For you to never disappoint or lie to me."

Adam pulled me in a for a hug and sighed. "I've already promised you that I would do anything to protect you and always be there for you," he said. "You're my sister, and I would kill myself if I ever broke that promise."

When he pulled away, I looked up at him with a small smile and held out my pink finger. "Swear on it."

Adam laughed and shook his head, but nonetheless he hooked his pinky with mine. "I swear."

I woke up almost instantly. Sitting upright, I wiped the sleep out of my eyes and sighed. For the past couple of nights, I had the same two dreams. That one I just had, and the one where Oliver was killed. Each one always made me cry, but this time there was no tear to wipe away.

I swung my legs over the bed and stood up, stretching my arms out and popping my neck. Oliver was pacing by his bedroom door while he was on the phone. His eyebrows were knitted together, his lips curled into a scowl, and I watched as he listened patiently to whoever it was he was on the phone with. Could it be my brother? Who else would make him that angry?

Oliver said several colorful words into the phone, and I chose that moment to slip into his bathroom. I closed the door and locked it before washing my face off with warm water. It was a blessing for Oliver to text me this morning asking if I wanted to skip school, because the sleep was much needed and now I was well rested. I checked my phone to see that it was noon, and I had no text messages or missed calls. Good, that meant the school hadn't tried contacting my parents. That would have been a disaster waiting to happen.

"She isn't your damn concern anymore!" I jumped when I heard Oliver yell. Who the hell was he on the phone with? With my curiosity getting the best of me, I walked up to the door and placed my ear up against the door, trying to listen in on the conversation. "Whether she's with me right now or not, it isn't any of your damn business. You made it clear that you didn't actually care about her, so quit calling me to see how she's doing. If she doesn't want to talk to you, then I don't either."

He couldn't possibly be on the phone with Brody, can he?

"Fuck off, dude."

When it went silent for the next couple of minutes, I knew he was off the phone. I braced myself by standing up straight and walking out of the bathroom. Oliver snapped his head in my direction, a wary smile on his face, but I didn't return it. There wasn't really anything to be smiling about anymore. At least until this crap with Rodney blows over.

"Did you get enough sleep?" he asked me, and I simply nodded as I sat back down. "That's good." We were quiet for a moment, and then he finally decided to speak again. "Brody has been persistent on talking to you. He figured you were with me because we both weren't at school today."

"I wonder how he got to that conclusion."

Oliver laughed. "I do love your sarcasm, Sierra." Then he became serious. "I know your brother disappearing is making your mom go crazy, but we really need to see if she's going to get the money for Rodney so your life isn't in danger anymore." He moved so he could sit beside me. "I want this to all be over so I can tell you what I've been wanting to tell you for months."

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