Chapter 1

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["Katherine~? Katherine, dear~. Wake up sweetie~. Katherine...Kath-"] as a familiar voice was calling me, I slowly opened my eyes to see a familiar ceiling. It was a ceiling I didn't see for a long time and yet, I can still remember it so clearly in my memories that seeing it before my very eyes made me sigh in relief.

As I slowly lifted my body up and looked around, I realized that I was in my old room.

["This must be a dream..."] I thought to myself.

Not too long ago, I killed myself, so this must be the afterlife. After my father, the king, had been killed, I became the queen and brought my kingdom into ruins. Countless wars and evil deeds had killed all my people and loved ones, and the people that controlled me sat by and watched with smirks in their faces, as they got more power and status. Before killing myself, I had killed them and then proceeded with ending everything.

[" If I had just noticed earlier-"] I muttered to myself in anger, as tears started to flow down my face.

As I wiped my tears away with my hands, I noticed that my hands were smaller than they should be. While swinging my hands around in confusion, I grabbed a small mirror that was on my night table next to me. It was definitely my face, but I had huge round purple eyes and my blond hair was long again. I didn't have long hair for ages and I'm pretty sure all my hair was dead and rough the last time I touched it. My skin is also pretty soft. I always took quick baths, so I always had dry skin.

While standing up from the bed, I noticed that I had gotten smaller. Walking towards a huge mirror in my room, I hesitated for a moment...

Sitting on the throne made me see too many people looking at me with disgusted eyes and there was even once, when someone said to me [" I hate seeing that hair color! It reminds me of him. How can you do this to your people!!! How could you have made us suffer so much!!!!"]. After that, I dyed my hair black and wore a cape over my head to cover my face.

Even so, it should be fine now, since this is the afterlife.

I walked in front of the mirror and to my surprise, the reflection in the mirror showed my younger self. As I reached out to touch the mirror, I felt a stabbing pain in my head and suddenly memories started to flow through my head. It wasn't me and yet, it was me. I felt as if I lived as that person.

[" Miss Lucy, my schedule."] an old man wearing a suite was talking to 'me'.

[" Yes, sir. Today you have a meeting at 10 a.m. and a flight scheduled for 3p.m. to America. And sir, my name is not Lucy, it's Stella."]the woman in her 30s answered, while smiling and going through some files.

Suddenly, after hearing the name 'Stella', I remembered. That's right, that person is me. She's me from another life and another world. Stella Haines was my name. I worked as a secretary for the richest CEO and the biggest company in whole Japan. However, due to an unfortunate accident, I lost my life.


So to summarize the situation, I woke up in my old room, in my old body, regained the memories of my previous life and I'm in the afterlife.

["I'm pretty sure that I was put into hell and not heaven, given all the horrible things I had done. Even so, isn't hell too...hmm, how should I say this... okay? How come I'm not in burning fire and tortured to death?...I get it! This is just the opening of what really lies ahead! They are just doing this to confuse me. Bringing all my lost souls together is just the beginning. Any time sooner, they should erase this whole scene and then I'll be surrounded by lava, fire and be tortured to death~"] I said, while talking to myself.

Due to the memory of my life as Stella Haines, a lot of knowledge and new words entered my brain. It seems to have changed my way of thinking too.

As I was squishing my cheeks in front of the mirror and thinking this, someone suddenly knocked on the door.

To be continued...

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