Chapter 12

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The man dressed in black looked surprised, while standing still. Meanwhile, I just looked at him dumbfounded and slowly moved away from him.

"May I know what kind of business you have with me?" Without wasting a single second, I put on my poker face, ignoring the events that took place not too long ago.

"Queen Katherine of Razel? I am king Basil la Palastin of the leading country Palastin." His earlier smile from before disappeared leaving only his expressionless face to be seen and his soulless yet mature voice to be heard.

It was as if his amusement already left him.

Basil la Palastin. His existence could be compared to an emperor, since his power over all four kingdoms is unmeasurable. He's a mysterious person, whose goal is yet unclear to the entire world. Even if it was necessary to meet this person today, I still don't like the idea of being close to him.
Things like war are just a small matter to this person, meaning even if he sends millions of people to the battle field, he won't even bat a single eyelid.
That was the exact same impression I got from him in my previous life. With just a single order, he could have taken over Razel and stopped the war, and yet he dragged it on, sacrificing millions of people, while enjoying himself like a kid playing a video game.

"What would make the king of Palastin interfere in other people's matters, I wonder~?" I kindly declared, as I clearly stated that he shouldn't have gotten involved.

"Are you saying I should ignore a woman being hit in front of my eyes?" He coldly asked.

"You can save all the women you want to in this world, as long as you don't get in my way." I shut down the last path way for us to get along with this statement.

"I couldn't care less." He smirked, while still keeping on his cold demeanor.

Despite giving off a deadly atmosphere around him, he looked composed and his words stayed short, indicating that he didn't find pleasure in holding a conversation with me anymore.
Even though we properly held a conversation earlier, I can't do that anymore knowing who this person is. At this point it's already clear that we don't get along.

"Then let us get down to busi-" I was interfered midway finishing my sentence.

" No need. The formal procedures will be taken care of by my royal minister. Just make sure to do it properly. Then I will take my leave." As if done amusing himself, he left the scene with a rude remark.

[" least that is taken care off~."] I thought to myself, while still wearing my poker face.

In order for Razel to not be suspected of wanting to continue war, it was necessary for me to come to this ball and also to meet this person. In about a month, I will then have to attend a so called "Golden Gathering", in which the rest of the rulers from the three kingdoms, including the king of Palastin must attend. We will then sign a 'contract' stating our absolute loyalty to the country, swear an oath and then we will discuss the penalty for Razel, since Razel originally broke a similar contract.

Before all of this however, it is essential for the royal ministers of each kingdom to meet up. This is where my actual problem comes in. My royal ministers are useless and stupid to the point where I would rather dig a grave for myself than let these bastards set foot into the world.

I have a plan though. A plan that will take care of all the disgusting rats roaming around me in one go.

["Oh, and let's not forget about King Solvei and Duke Ferrenstein~"] I muttered to myself, while letting out a small laugh.

There's a reason why they are still able to even scream for help, even though they are on my black list.

["Why don't we make use of this device then~"]

To be continued...

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