Chapter 10

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A king isn't allowed to have any kind of weakness, the same goes for a queen. That's the first thing you're taught, if you're going to be the ruler of a country. People follow their leaders and so, everything from head to toe is watched closely. If you get angry easily or stumble just a bit, people will judge you, even more if you are a king or queen.

And so, you must always walk with dignity and grace. Walk with the utmost of confidence and make your status clear. Make it clear that even if you stumble, they can't just talk about you however they like. That's how much presence you should have and show as a queen, who is ruling over a country all by herself.

As if stuck to his seat, an old man with orange hair tainted a little bit with gray , was sitting quietly and looking at me. The fact that he was the king of Azures wasn't able to be overseen. His empowering green eyes that watched my every move closely made my body tremble a bit, but I was able to take control my real emotions. Next to him stood a petite looking girl, of whom I assumed was the crown princess of Azures. She had long wavy red hair and blue eyes, and I was informed that she was also the same age as me, so fifteen years old. She held onto her father's hand tightly, as if she was scared of me.

While bowing down gracefully and holding eye contact with the emperor, I wore my usual poker face and smiled, while introducing myself.
"It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, King Richard Wilhelm the third of Azures. I, Queen Katherine Rosalinde Razel of the country of Razel, am honored to have been invited to the crown princess's , Eleonora Lily of Azures, birthday. Of course, I didn't attend such a grand event such as this without a present. If you do not mind, I have brought high grade sweets from my country that is made from high quality sugar, only produced in Razel."

"The pleasure is all mine Queen Katherine. My humblest apologies for the late invitation, I hope your journey here wasn't too uncomfortable. I've heard many rumors about you and so, I wanted to see the so called queen of Razel with my own eyes. It seems you do not let down any expectations. We will of course gladly accept the wonderful gift. My daughter seems to be quite fond of the sweets from your country and has been asking me to meet you personally~. Please make yourself comfortable and enjoy the ball today~." The king replied swiftly, yet I couldn't tell if he was hostile towards me or not.

Before I turned around, all the guests attending the ball already returned to what they were originally doing. The royal minister also vanished from behind me and so the first thing I did was go around and introduce myself.

Before long, I grabbed myself some sweets from the dining table and made my way outside onto the balcony. There was a calm mood around this area because of the moon light that silently lit up the balcony and the leftover music you could hear from the inside.

Leaning onto one of the pillars of the palace walls, I got an overview of the palace garden.The first thing that caught my eye was the crown princess of Azures, Eleonora, who was holding hands with an unknown man and was flirting with him.

"This seems like something right out of a book, I bet he's going to ask her to dance with him soon." I let my thoughts leak while eating my sweets and amusing myself with the pair that were spouting cheesy lines at each other.

"Oh El~ Your beautiful eyes keep mesmerizing me. Your soft hands, silky long hair and red cherry lips, I love everything about you, my love~. Would you dance with me ,dear princess?" The young man advanced on with his love lines, while extending his hand towards the princess.

However right before the princess took his hands, another man came out interfering both of them.

"Hmmm~, so a love triangle. This won't end well." I mumbled while diligently stuffing my mouth with sweets and turning around, when I bumped into someone.

Black hair, sharp golden eyes, tall and steady body and dressed in black from head to toe. An extremely handsome man~. But...since when did he stand there...?

"My apologies." I bowed down, while making my way towards the entrance to the ball room again.

"What will happen next?" The man asked with a very interested look.

While stopping, I turned around and looked at him, who was fixated on the scene in front of him. A bit interested, I walked forward and stood next to him.

"They'll probably fight." I observed them, while stating what I thought would happen with the knowledge I acquired from all the romance novels I read in my past life.

To be continued...

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