Chapter 1

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Lexa Point of View
It was a regular Monday for me. Nothing major happening, well nothing besides the back-to-back meetings. I was trying to escape the dreadful discussion and questions about the deal I was trying to close. Perks of being Alexandria fucking Woods. I managed to get out of going to one particularly long excruciating meeting by thinking of an excuse to reschedule. I decided to use my free time wisely and go for a run considering that I won't have time later.

I usually go for a run in the park but this time I decide to run in the city. I'm less likely to be noticed and stopped by people who aren't paying attention anyway. As I finished tying my shoes, I made it down to the lobby. I quickly turned on my music allowing it to flood through my Bluetooth headphones at max volume. This seemed to be one of the few times I actually got to myself without anyone coming up to me and asking some job-related questions.

It was a warm, beautiful summer afternoon in Atlanta. I started to jog, enjoying the warmth of the sun hitting my face. This was the one of the few times that I was completely away from everything. My multimillion-dollar business. The aching hole in my heart. Anything and everything my brain can think of. I slowly let all my thoughts leave my mind with every breath I take.

I slowly intensified the pace in which I was running in as I was desperately trying to run away from my thoughts. I took a spontaneous right turn not really paying any attention to where I was going as I would eventually find my way back. As I closed my eyes to blink for a split second, I felt my body hit something firm. Another body. I throw out my arms, not to catch myself, but to catch the other person I just ran into.


Clarke Point of View
It was a regular Monday morning. I had gone out on a quick break since I knew today was going to be an exhausting day. I knew that was going to be the case with this job. However, I didn't mind since I like staying busy. Don't get me wrong, being a high-class surgeon was a very difficult job.

I went on a quick coffee run to a nearby cafe seeing as I was getting tired of the crappy coffee the hospital served. I should really do something about that. As I was on my way back, I took a sharp left turn not paying much attention as I was looking at my phone. I had three unread messages. They were probably from Bellamy, I didn't get a chance to read them as I ran into someone. More like they ran into me almost running me over.

I felt soft but firm hands grabbing me. I was bracing myself for impact but I didn't feel as much pain as I was expecting, actually not any. I slowly opened my eyes to see that I had landed on top of whomever I had collided against. Their arms were wrapped gently around my waist as if still protecting me from the fall.

I started to apologize, trying to get up as quickly as possible. I was trying not to embarrass myself, even more, when I looked down at the person. She was oddly smiling back up at me. I extended my hand trying to help her up. As she stood up, taking my hand but not really needing it, I noticed her very well-toned body.

I noticed she was wearing a sports bra and tights. The sports bra barely covered her and god how did she make it look sexy. Her tights also squeezing tightly her muscles making her look like a goddess. I also noticed the tight band on her arm, holding her phone in place. She was definitely working out.

I snap out of my trance to finally apologize. "I'm so sorry... I wasn't paying attention to where I was going... I--" I said while trying to not make eye contact with her before she cut me off.

"It's fine..." she said pausing before speaking once more. "I wasn't paying attention either."

I finally looked up at her noticing beautiful green eyes. My mouth slightly opened in awe from the beauty that was her.

"My name is Lexa," she said as she held out her hand for me to shake. I slowly, too slow, reach out for her hand. Lexa noticed and worry quickly filled her eyes. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" She said as she reached out to hold me with both of her hands.

"No, I'm fi--" my pager goes off. Crap I'm late. I'm never late. "I'm sorry I have to go. I should be in surgery right now." I quickly turned around trying to make my escape. I noticed that my before filled coffee cup is now empty. I didn't have time to turn around and apologize seeing that I was a far distance away.


Lexa POV
I stood there where the blonde-haired person had left me. She didn't seem to notice that what used to be her coffee was now all over me. I didn't mind figuring it was my fault for not paying attention. I noticed her white vest lying on the ground. I bent down to pick it up noticing her phone falling out of the pocket. I swiftly grabbed it before it reached the hard concrete floor. I flipped it over to notice the phone was almost completely shattered. She was excessively too far for me to chase her down now.

I started to put in my headphones when I noticed drops of water. I look up and it immediately starts to pour. Of course, the weatherman called for no rain and of course, it rained. It's definitely a Monday.

I start jogging back slowly to the penthouse not really minding that it's raining. Mostly because I love rain. I love the sound of it, the taste of it, the mood it creates, it somehow soothes me. The whole jog back all I could think of was the mystery blond girl I ran into. I don't know why... there's just something about her. The way her icy blue eyes eventually found my eyes. The way her blond hair stayed in her messy bun despite the fall. Something about the mystery girl made me want to know more.

A/N: hey, i'm somewhat new at this so bare with me. would love to hear feed back, thanks :)

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