Chapter 3

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Clarke POV
With all of these emergency surgeries taking the majority of my time and energy. I didn't get to process all of my thoughts of the woman I had run into. It wasn't until now that I realized I didn't apologize for the coffee. I also didn't notice her cute wavy hair that was up in a ponytail. I didn't notice her beautiful emerald eyes... those eyes.

Her beauty made me want to draw again. A hobby I had left behind because it was too painful to do. I could not draw with the memories behind it. Not with the pain behind it. Not with the death behind it. It reminds me of everything I have tried to forget. To suppress.

How could this total stranger makes me want to do something I've avoided for a year? There was just something about this girl... that... intrigued me. I don't know what it is. The way her arms instinctively reached out for me. The way I somehow felt so safe. In the arms of a complete stranger.

I know I shouldn't feel this way. Bellamy... I can't hurt Bellamy... I've hurt too many people because of my actions. I won't let him become another victim at the hands of me.

Raven shook me from my thoughts. Of course, Raven came to visit me. Don't get me wrong I love the girl... but there are some downs when it comes to Raven Reyes.

"My numero uno Griffin," Raven pretty much screamed in my ear.

"Yes, Raven?" I said not paying much attention trying to get ready for a meeting.

"There's my girl," Raven said walking into the kitchen. I rolled my eyes at her response. The tall Hispanic girl with long brunette hair made her way towards me to hug me.

"I was worried about you. You didn't text me back and you also didn't come home last night." Raven said genuinely worried. An expression that is rarely seen in Raven's face. She's usually the carefree friend that does anything and everything you dare her to, legal or not

"I'm fine. I had back-to-back surgeries and I got out late. I figured I would stay there since I didn't want to disturb you at 12 last night." I said trying to get out of her hold.

"Well next time use a phone, Clarke." Clarke? She never uses my first name. Damn, she was actually really worried.

"I'm so sorry, I lost track of my phone and I really didn't have the energy to find it," I said no longer fighting against her embrace.

"It's fine Griffin, just a thought..." Raven said, letting out a small laugh. "You should also think about texting Bellamy back too, I know he's worried."

"Okay, thank you. Well, I gotta go. I am getting breakfast with Octavia. I'd invite you but you're too busy being a doctor and all."

"Bye Raven, see ya later... I think" I said jokingly but I honestly don't know if I was going to be home.


Lexa POV
It was finally time to cash in my favor from an old friend... more like friend-enemy. It was a very complicated friendship, to say the least. I threw myself into the corvette along with the useless phone. I wove my way through traffic, avoiding some near-accidents.

I swiftly slid myself into the last empty parking spot. I didn't have time to waste as I was considering going back to work once everything was done. I got out of the car and started to walk to the huge building with the name of Verizon. I started having second thoughts but it was too late considering I was already at the door.

I instantly regretted it the moment I walked as I heard my name being called out in the lobby.

"Alexandria freaking Woods! Wow."

I turn to my right to see Luna Aquino standing in a corner, obviously trying to hide from people.

"Who died?" Luna said sarcastically.

"Why does someone have to die in order for me to make an appearance or a nice gesture?" I said starting to make my way towards her.

"Because you're gracing us with your presence which happens very rarely if you haven't noticed," Luna said with a hint of sadness.

I try shrugging it off because I knew that was also another hidden insult. It was all true though, I should come around to see them more often. Even if she did steal my company from beneath me.

"So what brings you to my side of town Commander?" Luna said with a sarcastic hint. I cringed a little at the nickname I had acquired a long time ago.


I honestly don't even remember who first came up with it. It referred to me as being the Commander of the business world. It is true on certain levels, I could definitely buy out whichever companies I would like. I literally had and still have the business world in the palm of my hands.

"I'm here to cash in a long-overdue favor," I said reluctantly.

"Of course, what can I help you with?" said Luna with curiosity eating at her eyes. I usually never call in favors until I absolutely have to.

"Long story short I uhh ran into someone and uhh broke their phone by accident," I said while Luna was eyeing me as if looking for another explanation. "They don't know and I would like to get their phone fixed if that's even possible. You're the best I know so I decided to come here."

"Let me take a look at the phone," Luna said trying desperately not to pry for more information since it was a favor.

"Here you go," I said as I took it out of my pocket. I had just now noticed how bad of condition the phone actually was.

"Hate to tell ya but this phone is done. There's no saving it. The best thing you could do is upgrade." Luna said as she quickly glanced and jumped to the conclusion that the phone was not worth saving.

"Is there any way you can do it without them having to be here?" I said trying to avoid bringing the mysterious girl into the situation.

"Uh, I don't know but I can see what I can do," Luna said as she made her way to the back.

I found a chair close to the corner as now I was hiding from the other people in the room. Now that I was alone, I was more likely to be approached by other people that know who I am. Especially since Luna announced my arrival to everyone around. I saw people trying to take pictures of me sneakily.

Some guy that was closer to me than anyone else decided to use a flash, not caring that I knew. Luna walked in on that happening and quickly assessed the situation.

"Hey sorry about that, I thought I had told you to follow me but I guess not." She said after she had kicked the guy off of the property to set an example and taking me to a private room.

"It's fine, it's just a couple of photos. Besides I've gotten pretty used to it."

"That's true. Well at least until people start speculating why you're here. Anyways, you have two options."

"Okay... what are they?"

"You can contact the owner of the phone and ask for their permission." she noticed the disappointment on my face so she quickly followed up with the second question. "You aren't exactly supposed to do this but considering I owe you a favor... you can purchase another phone under your account, set it up and all that fun stuff."

"But what about all of their information and personal things?" I said shifting a little.

"Legally I'm not allowed to do or say anything but since I owe you big time... I can say that this person doesn't have a password. Not having a password allows you to connect the phone to your laptop and pass all of the information from one phone to another."

"I think I'll go with option two," I said, hoping that the process of buying a new phone and setting it up was quick.

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