Return to the Land of Ice

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Raevyn walks down the road with Hadvar. He talks a little bit, then we both sight a trio of standing stones. He looks to the side and asks "Which stone will you choose?", as I look them over. Which one, indeed? I look them over, feel the vibration of the stones and what their blessings are. I have always been pretty balanced in my skills, utilizing magick, weapons and stealth alike. "Uhhhh....", I start, "I suppose the Warrior. I wouldn't mind a little extra strength against these big Nords." Little did she know, there were larger things to worry about than Nords.

They walked together to Riverwood, were his father is the town blacksmith. Hadvar spoke of the caves and what could be plundered. Finally, I couldn't hold myself back.

"Why did they want to kill me? And why did you help me?" I glared at him in scrutiny, "and what are your plans in taking me to Riverwood? Another ambush?" His jaw hung open wide, and he seemed hurt by what I said. Why would a murderer be hurt? Wouldn't he just, I don't know, not care?

"It wasn't my idea to hand you over to the headman's axe. I wasn't going to just let you die, an innocent, without bringing it up. As an Imperial soldier, it is my job to defend the innocent and defenseless. Especially a young mer who did nothing plans were to stop the head man. You didn't see me coming up upon the Headman, you were facing toward him, not toward me." He looked at the floor in shame, "I was willing to give up my position as a soldier to protect you, and I don't know why."

He looked like how I should feel. Shameful. I grasped his lower arm, and he looked up at me in surprise. "Thank you", I said "for what I didn't see. You, you know, helping me. I'm sorry I said those things, I guess I'm a little jumpy, after all this. You know, dragons and all."

He smiled, though still with sadness behind his eyes. "Let's get to town before sunset. My father and mother would love to hear first hand what happened."

Riverwood wasn't far from Helgen, and it was a beautiful little town. Nestled in the hills, down the river from Whiterun. It had a peaceful feel, and I sighed. Perhaps this is where I will lay my head after meeting his parents. I'll let them know what I saw first hand, then I will head to the Jarl and see the price on a piece of land here.

Ice, Blood and Ash, a Skyrim adventureWhere stories live. Discover now