Riverwood Charm

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I hear someone shout "Hadvar, how are you here? Aren't you stationed in Helgen?" his father walks up to him, apparently happy to see his son. He gives him a gruff hug, and pulls him away to see his face. "We need to talk. Both you and mother, inside. In private." His father just nods in acceptance and walks to the door. "Mother is already inside. She will be so happy to see you."

We walk inside the house. Its warm, and well lit, and the food smells delicious. My stomach growls in memory of that I haven't eaten since this morning.

"Are you hungry?", Hadvar leans in and asks. "Starving", I reply.

He motions to a chair as his father says "Any friend of Hadvars is a friend of ours, feel free to make yourself at home." His mother, a beautiful willowly woman, brings a wooden plate and some utensils, and starts petitioning out their dinner to split with Hadvar and I. "Thank you endlessly, I am famished." as I pick up a fork and start eating. Hadvar holds back from his sup, as he explains to his father and mother of the dragon attack. "Dragons? In Skyrim?" asks his father, as his mother recalls a large shadow flying toward Whiterun. "The Jarl must know at once!", and everyone turns to me. I set my utensils down and wipe my face on a linen handkerchief.

"What can I do to help?", I ask. Hadvars family practically sigh with relief as I offer myself to the task. "Run ahead to Whiterun, and let Jarl Balgruuf know of the dragon heading their way. You must make haste- take whatever items that I have that you may need for your travels."

Hadvar helps me pack some food, some iron for repairs, a few septims, and a few gems that can be sold for septims. "Do you need me to come with you? Show you the way? And it wouldn't hurt to have an extra sword by your side."

I smile, warmed by the gesture, but i don't want him in danger after his already dangerous encounter with a dragon. I pat his hand, smiling as I say, "Hadvar, I appreciate all the help thusfar, but your parents need you here. The Imperial Legion will need soldiers here to keep the people safe. I will talk to the Jarl and see what soldiers he can send this way to assist." He looks disappointed, but relieved. "Very well then. That does seem a better choice than rushing headlong into danger.", and he stands. I stand to go, shouldering my pack. He rushes toward me, hugs me gently, and whispers in my ear, "Stay safe. Come back when you can", and he walks me outside, holding the door open. I walk into the cooling evening, feeling the cold breeze on my fire-warmed skin. Onward to Whiterun I go.

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