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Dare I say, I was born to be a legend?

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Dare I say, I was born to be a legend?

I felt a breeze touch my cheek, my eyes flying open. My right hand wrapped around the wrist and I ducked underneath before I flipped my opponent over into the grass.

Another groan and whimper.

"Who is next?" I looked up at my peers.

"My back," Tommy cried in exaggeration from the ground.

"You're going to kill everyone," Ellie remarked with a laugh.

I turned around to see my best friend Ellie emerge from the crowd. She was Beta Ace's and Beta Male Scott's adopted daughter. I envy her flawless bronze skin and straight medium, midnight hair. She was, in my eyes, what I would describe as a snack. She stepped over the crying Tommy with her long legs and walked over to me.

"I was going easy on them," I protested.

"You broke Dave's finger a few days ago---"

"On accident," I added.

"Sage," my dad's voice came from the field.

I sighed before turning to look at him. He approached us with a disapproving look.

"What?" I gave him a good smile. One that will totally have him wrapped---

"I told you to use half of your strength. Do not kill every person you see," my dad growled.

"Tommy is just faking it. Look!" I shoved Tommy over with one of my feet. He groaned and rolled over effortlessly. Such a drama king.

My dad growled his displeasure. I turned to look at him innocently. Is it my fault he taught me these moves? He told me that I may need them one day. If I don't practice on these people who would I practice on? A stuffed teddy bear?

"Gamma Judah, if I may---"

"You may not, Ellie. You may, however, help Sage carry Tommy to the nurse's office," My dad interrupted.

We both sighed together before dropping down to our knees to help pick up whiny Tommy. We each wrapped one of his arms over our shoulders. I kept an arm around his waist to keep him steady.

While walking to the nurse's office, my dad stopped us once again when he called out both of our names.

"After school, go home and find something nice to wear. We are having dinner at the packhouse," dad announced.

I whipped around,thinking of my football practice tonight. He saw the protest on my face before I could say anything.

"Not tonight, Sage. You'll skip the practice. I am sure your team will be fine without you," my dad retorted.


"No buts." He gave me a look that told me not to question him. I growled and accidentally dug my fingernails deep into Tommy's waist.

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