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Werewolves going rogue were normal happenings in the werewolf world

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Werewolves going rogue were normal happenings in the werewolf world. Many werewolves break out for many different reasons but most of them are criminal outcasts that no one wants to initiate back into a pack because of the trust. To see several of them banned together wasn't a surprise too. Even if they were outcasts, they were still werewolves. They still craved companionship and pack life.

For them to attack openly like this was not typical. Although rogues were criminal outcasts, most of them sought for a redemption lifestyle. It wasn't to say that the rogue pack couldn't turn bad because I remember living in one.

Watching Sage being wheeled away was another reminder at how I had failed to protect her. I couldn't begin to understand the emotional turmoil that was brewing inside my head. I was angry at everything. My beast recognized this emotion and was fighting to the forefront of my mind. Sensing an unforeseeable threat but failing to understand that we were the culprit. The threat to this pack. To our mate.

I released a frustrated snarl before pacing the floor of the waiting room. After a few minutes, everyone arrived. They all looked worried. Judah marched over to me and slammed me up against the wall. His eyes were filled with rage.

"Give me a reason not to kill you right now, Liam. My daughter loves you but within a few months of meeting you, it has caused her more harm than good. Tell me why I shouldn't kill you," he roared angrily.

Beta Ace and Hunter grabbed Judah by his shoulders and tried to move his hold on me.

"I didn't mean for her to get her. I didn't think she would run after me. I only wanted to keep her safe." I heard myself saying.

Judah applied more pressure to his hold on my chest.

"That is not a good enough reason," he growled and slammed his fist into the wall. "I had protected her for years. Not a single broken bone. Not a single injury that involved more than necessary. Yet within a month in a half of meeting you, she has received more injuries than I can count."

"Judah, please," Katya begged from behind everyone.

"I'm sure Liam didn't mean any real harm, Judah," Beta Male Scott added.

"Lose the grip, Jude. Don't make me command you," Hunter warned.

"She's my daughter!" Judah roared.

"We understand that but hurting Liam would do your daughter no good. She loves him. I understand your every instinct is to protect her but doing what you are doing is no benefit to anyone," Sage's grandmother said from behind him.

Judah closed his eyes and I watched him try to control his own anger.

"I love her. I would die to protect her. I apologize for getting her hurt but you have to know that I would never hurt her," I told him.

"You said you would protect her," Judah said angrily. His eyes opening back up to look at me.

"Judah," Rosemary said from the end of the hallway where Sage had gone down. Judah pulled away from me then. He walked over to his mate. Everyone rushed after him.

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