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"I know that Liam was the one that hurt you and judging by how badly injured you are

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"I know that Liam was the one that hurt you and judging by how badly injured you are. You must have seen---" she paused, "a different side of him."

I swallowed the lump in my throat. Obviously, Liam's sister would know about Liam's beast. I looked down at my feet. Luna Katya took a step forward to gain my attention again. She looked upset and I didn't want to worry about her further.

"I'm alright, Luna Katya," I replied.

"I know you are not alright. After Liam rushed you to the medical wing, he flipped out. He rushed to me and in an erratic and incoherent manner explained what he could before he made a dash for the woods. He feels terrible, Sage. I am his sister and I know him so well. He doesn't speak about it but he is very afraid," Luna Katya continued. "I am not going to excuse his behavior. He shouldn't have hurt you but at the same time, I want you to give him a chance. You might be the only thing that can give him hope. As an older sister to Liam, I am begging you to at least listen to what I have to say."

I felt sympathy towards Luna Katya and so I nodded for her to continue. She moved us to sit down on the edge of the bed. She took hold of one of my hands into hers.

"Liam had a rough childhood. I don't know if your father ever told you about our past," she said, looking at me to seek answers.

I shook my head. Luna Katya nodded in understanding before turning her attention to look out the window.

"When Liam was a few months old, the pack that we were living in was attacked. So many people were slaughtered and many were taken captive. Our father tried protecting us but was killed by a rebellious Alpha rogue. He wanted followers and to gain them he forced many of our pack members to work for him. He used coercion and threatened the lives of their family members. Little children and babies were all taken captive," Luna Katya explained.

Luna Katya's eyes were distant as if she was reliving a nightmare. In a complete trance, she didn't stop talking but her hands gripped mine tighter.

"He captured our mother, Liam and me. We were locked in a cellblock for many years. During that time, many pack members died. Children, babies, mothers, and fathers. Nobody was spared. Many died due to the brutality of the followers that worked under the Alpha rogue. Others died from scientifically modified drugs. Most children and babies were used as test subjects because they were most adaptable. They haven't reached maturity yet but unfortunately, many died because of the test. They would either come back with heavy fevers or stop breathing in a few hours."

I knew what she was saying. Liam was a baby. My heart beat faster against my rib cage and I welcomed the tightening grip of her hands against mine. I gulped down my emotions and lifted my eyes to look at her. Her eyes never strayed from the window. She looked at the moon and her lips quivered.

"One night a guard came into our cellblock and took Liam away from my mother. She cried and pounded so hard against the door that her hands were bloodied afterward. By the time Liam returned, he was quiet and lethargic. Within hours he broke into an intense fever. We both thought he would die that night but the fever broke but he remained in a comatose state for a few days.

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