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Eyes were as golden as the sun but it was a fearsome contrast to the piercing black fur and carnivorous canines

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Eyes were as golden as the sun but it was a fearsome contrast to the piercing black fur and carnivorous canines. They were as sharp as the edge of a knife. The beast growled and roared, clawing at my body, bringing onset pain that I was unable to stop. Fruitless pleas died on my lips as I gaze into the eyes of an unmerciful beast. Although its eyes were as golden as the sun, it offered me no warmth or emotion. It was cold and ruthless. It bared its canine at me sinisterly before it lunged for my throat.

I screamed and fought the body. Hands wrapped around my wrists. Voices infiltrated my mind. I clawed and punched whatever body that was in front of me.

"Sage!" my dad shouted my name in a panic.

My eyes flew opened and I freeze for a minute while I took in my surrounding. Blinking several times, I find myself at home.

It has been days since the incident. I have long sense healed but the fear that filled me---the nightmare never left me. My parents have tried speaking to me, asking me about it but I refuse to speak about anything. I haven't talked to anyone. They were worried about me.

"It is just a bad dream," my dad replied.

"You are safe, Sage. We are here," my mom soothed from behind him. She moved closer and smoothed my hair back from my sweaty face.

They can see the terror that was gripping my body. My body was still shaking, and I can't seem to put a stop to it.

"You need to tell us what happened," my mom urged.

I shook my head and pulled myself up into a sitting position. I brought my knees closer and hugged them tightly to my chest. My heart was still pounding erratically.

"Liam brought to the packhouse late at night. You had deep claw wounds in your stomach, your back, and arms. Did he hurt you? Was it him?" My dad grew angrier as he spoke.

"No!" I shouted.

"You're lying," my dad's dark brooding eyebrows wrinkled in anger. "Tell me! You don't have to be afraid. I will protect you."

"No," I replied.

"After he brought you to the packhouse, he left. He hasn't returned since then," my dad growled.

"Stop!" I covered my ears. I can't hear about him. I can't hear about any of this. I don't want to.

My mom's hands wrapped around my wrists once again. She tried to remove them. They wanted to understand but I was not ready to talk. I don't even know where to begin. I wanted everyone to leave me alone.

A part of me was frightened of Liam but after not seeing him for a few days now, I feel anxious and afraid. I wanted him close, yet I am afraid of him. I don't know what to do.

My parents finally left me alone. I got up and dressed for school. When I entered the school ground, Ellie and Tommy were waiting for me. They quickly came to my side. I knew what they were going to ask. It was what everyone kept asking me. The same questions and I don't want to answer them.

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