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It was like an electric field that sizzles and intensified in sparks with each step he took toward me

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It was like an electric field that sizzles and intensified in sparks with each step he took toward me. It almost felt like he commanded my attention without saying anything. Looking at him makes me feel alive and numb at the same time. His being dominated this entire presence with just a look my way. Tearing my eyes away from him, I looked around to see if anyone was as affected as me, at least then I knew I wasn't imagining things but no one seemed affected as me.

Returning my gaze to him, I see more of his tattoo. The tattoos on his arms mirrored each other. Black inky wings are carefully drawn down his arms. The v-neck t-shirt revealed a fiery flames tattoo to erupt from underneath his shirt. An angel burning in hell. The Devil hoping to flee to heavens with his black wings.

Why am I so flustered around him? I had never felt this way before with anybody.

I am a sensible woman who had never held any regard for emotions or relationships whatsoever.

I am a woman with an adequate amount of brain cells and nerves to formulate a sentence or remember how to swallow but standing in front of him I can't think or remember to breathe.

Maybe it was because he is your mate.

No, it wasn't just the mate calling that was drugging my brain cells. I am attracted to him. Extremely attracted to him.

My eyes trailed over his neck to his stubble jaw and impeccable lips. They were soft and filled evenly. Finally, I gaze into his dark eyes just as he stood before me. His eyes were still glaring at my forehead.

Conscious, I lifted my hand to cover my forehead but his hand wrapping around my wrist stopped me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

Ellie stood between us, unsure of what's happening. Reaching into his pocket, Liam pulled out a cloth and wiped at my forehead.

"Wait. What?" I tried to move away from his hand.

"Stop moving," he said in a deep baritone voice.

I stopped and wondered how can he know where Tommy has kissed. My eyes trailed the side of his face and saw how hard he was clenching his teeth. He was pissed off.

The memory of our last encounter in his cabin flashed across my mind. He didn't know what he wanted yet he was everywhere. How can I move on if he was everywhere I was? Looking at him made everything harder.

I pulled away from him. Ellie touched my shoulder and whispered into my ear she was going to see her parents for a bit. This left Liam and me alone. I turned to walk away but his hand shot out to grab my elbow. I jerked my arm away from him but this guy was strong.

"Where are you going?" he growled, apparently even more pissed that I am leaving him.

"Oh, I don't know. Have fun? Drink? Make friends? Possibly find me another mate?" I replied with spite.

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