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The beaming mid-afternoon sun ray kissed my skin gently like the soft brushing of butterfly wings. It warmed my skin and lightened the weight on my chest. Adjusting to change for these past few months was harder than I thought but I had learned to accept it.

I took a deep inhale of the summer air. Loving the smell of the freshly mowed grass and the gentle breeze billowing underneath my hair.

It has been almost a year since the kidnapping incident. Every time I think about it, my heart feels heavy with many dark emotions but then I remembered he was here with me. One way or another, he was here standing before me.

I opened my eyes to look at Liam. He stood next to his sister who had his baby nephew wrapped in her arms. His midnight hair grew long and rested just to his shoulders. Although there were dark circles under his eyes, his eyes were soft and human. Moreover, the way he looked down at the little pup was adorable. He stared at it with awe and adoration as if it was the purest creation in the world.

He shields it with a carefulness that told you he would protect the little pup with his life.

My mom touched my shoulders to get my attention away from the crowd that was beginning to gather around the new Alpha. Looking to my right, I see my mom looking down at me with a soft smile. She brushed my hair back.

Her light russet eyes looking me over tenderly like a mother should.

"Are you alright, Sage?" she asked.

It took a while to get here. To finally see Liam be surrounded by people and not want to run away. So many nights of soothing and talking. I realized that building our relationship again, it allowed us a chance to truly know each other.

It felt strange the first few times but by being open, I was able to build trust between Liam and me.

"I'm alright," I replied, and she cupped one side of my cheek.

"I've never been prouder of you, Sage. You are so much like your father," she added just as my dad appeared from behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close to him.

"We finally have a new Alpha," my dad said in relief and then chuckle out loud. "I've been meaning to take your mom on a vacation. I think this is the perfect time to request a leave of absence."

"But what about me?" I asked.

My dad looked my way before releasing my mom to dishevel my hair. "You'll be fine, Sage."

He said it so casually. Anybody that knows my parents know that my dad was more than eager to spend time alone with my mom. I snorted at his response before quickly recovering.

"But you won't be here-" I started.

"And I taught you everything you need to know," he interrupted.

I looked back at the crowd before us. He was leaving his duties to me. I felt anxiety settle deep in the pits of my stomach.

"You just have to remember that teaching and disciplining does not need to be the same as how I have done it. Be creative. Be you, Sage. You can do this because you have Collins's blood flowing through you," my dad assured and then chuckled. "You know, your grandpa did the same thing to me. He educated and trained me until all I could think about is my job and when it came to it, he pushed me right into the position without any guidance."

He glanced my way and then winked, "If anything, you'll fuck up a few times and then learn your way around it."

"Wow, okay, dad. Thanks for the guidance. I feel so loved," I grumbled.

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