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After a week in a half of holing up inside my cabin, I was able to restrain myself enough to allow Sage to return home

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After a week in a half of holing up inside my cabin, I was able to restrain myself enough to allow Sage to return home. Her parents were happy to see her. I could see it on their faces. I also noticed their eyes moving from our faces down to the marks on our neck. Sage wore one of my old school hoodies. It hid all the marks on her body, including the hickeys that I couldn't resist placing on her neck and on her chest. Her hair was an utter bed mess but I realized Sage didn't care much to groom her hair besides brushing it to remove tangles. I liked that fact about her.

"Oh, c'mere," Rosemary said cheerfully and pulled Sage away from my side. They walked further inside their home.

Judah had his hand stuffed into his pants. The man was an inch shorter than me but regardless of his height, he looked intimidating. He planted me with a pointed look.

"Judah," I greeted with a polite nod.

I respect the man, his title, and that he was my mate's father but he also had to acknowledge that I wasn't going anywhere without Sage. We leveled each other with a stare. The front door left opened carelessly behind me. The wind hissed inside the house with an unannounced invitation. Neither one of us moved from our spot.

"Mom, can you tell dad to stop staring down Liam?" Sage's voice filtered through the tensed air.

"I'm just making sure he knows what I am capable of," Judah murmured, still staring at me.

I smirked at the open threat. "I respect you, Judah, and I promise I'll take care of Sage. No harm will come to her."

Judah's eyes narrowed some more. Rosemary appeared between us. She placed a palm on her mate's cheek and forced him to look down at her. She flashed him a brilliantly bright smile.

"Hi, hey, yes, Jude, I am talking to you. I know you are an amazing father and you are protective of Sage because she is our only pup but she is no longer a juvenile. She is a mature she-wolf. You need to respect her decision, Jude," Rosemary said softly.

Judah's gaze faltered. He has a good intention and I was glad there was someone else who was here to protect Sage beside me. He sighed in defeat a second later, heeding Rosemary's words. He placed a quick chaste kiss on his mate's lips, he turned and headed into the kitchen without glancing my way. Rosemary followed closely behind him to assist him.

I sensed this conversation was not over but delayed until dinner was over.

"Dinner will be ready soon. Sage, do you want to show Liam around the house while you two wait?" she called out just as she entered behind the kitchen counter.

"Sure, mom," Sage responded.

Sage showed me pictures of her when she was a child. Looking at them, I remembered how adorable she was when she was little. I did grow a little attached to her until I hit my early teens. Then I started my rebellious stage and was no longer interested in babies and toddlers.

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