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I sat on Liam's sofa with my legs tucked underneath me

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I sat on Liam's sofa with my legs tucked underneath me. A cup of coffee in my hands to warm and energize my aching body. My mind wandered back to the last heated session that Liam and I had. I had wanted to take a shower, but I didn't expect that my mate would join me. Slamming me up against the shower wall, hoisting up my legs and pounding inside me until I was screaming his name. The man was ravenous.

He had taken me in every way that I could imagine. On the kitchen table to the counters. Right down to the floor and sofa. The man left no room sanctified.

It has been raining cats and dogs these past few days but at this moment outside was calm but gloomy. I sat my coffee cup down on the old wooden coffee table and stood up. Liam's shirt falling to just below my butt. I had nothing on underneath because I have spent the last few days holed up in his home.

My soft feet padded towards the small window, I pulled back the curtains to get a better look outside. School had closed for these past few days because of the heavy rain. Everyone was anticipating the heavy flood that we receive yearly and preparing for it. I should be out there but leaving Liam may be ill-advised. His beast seemed more possessive and agitated than before.

Slow whimpers and whine came from the bedroom. It jolted me out of my thoughts. I turned and in a faster pace walked to the bedroom, opening the door I see Liam thrashing on the bed. The thin cream-colored sheet that covered his body now sliding down his body to just above his groin. He shook his head and thrashed his hands. He kicked the rest of the sheet off his body, revealing his naked body.

"No," he said in a fearful voice. "I don't want to. Let me go."

I rushed to him. Crawling onto the bed, I fought to steady him but Liam was twice my size. I straddled his hips and leaning forward, I grabbed onto his cheeks.

"Liam, it's just a dream," I murmured.

"Don't touch me!" he growled.

"Liam, it is just a dream. I am right here. You are alright," I whispered.

His eyelids fluttered. Sweat broke out all over his body. Whatever dream he was having, it was a nightmare. The instant pull to protect him overrides how he felt underneath me. I raised my voice and made it firmer.

"Liam, baby, it's me. You are safe. It is just a dream. Wake up," I demanded.

His eyelids flew open and gold irises stared back at me. His body stopped fighting but his breathing was irregular.

"It's me. You are safe," I whispered.

"Kitten?" his voice came out husky and deep.

"Yes, yours," I replied while nodding my head.

His large hands tentatively slid up my thighs to my hips and then to my waist. This was his beast. I have noticed when his eyes were glowing gold and a hint of wildness subsides in those eyes than Liam. It seemed to be almost a completely different person. Liam was hiding. I still don't know how to handle this wild side of him. My wolf and I seemed to be thrilled at the same time fearful of what he can do.

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