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I arrived home to both of my parents in the kitchen

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I arrived home to both of my parents in the kitchen. My dad was making lunch while my mom worked on her laptop, taking notes every now and then. They looked in my direction when they heard me come in.

"So?" my mom prodded.

"Nothing happened," I replied, sliding into the chair next to hers. I picked up an apple in a bowl in front of me and took a bite out of it.

"What do you mean nothing happened?" my dad asked in the middle of stirring his food in a wok.

"Nothing happened," I emphasized further not wanting to elaborate how my mate had me pinned up against a tree.

Just recalling the wild look in his eyes and the low, verbal warning growl had me throbbing between my legs. I have never been looked at that way before.

It was pure lust and sex.

Just like that Liam has a hold over me and it wasn't just because of the bond. I knew even without the bond, I would be sexually attracted to this man. I am willing to bet my life on it. However, one good thing I learned from reading hundreds of romance books was that he wasn't all that unaffected as he had wanted me to perceive. As mysterious as he was, it only made me want to know him more.

My dad made a sound and I looked in his direction. He hasn't spoken much since last night. My mom stopped her typing to look above her screen at my dad.

"Jude," my mom said sweetly.

"Yes?" my dad replied.

"Is there something you want to say?"

My dad shrugged. "Does Sage have something she wants to say?"

I huffed and knew my dad is questioning about last night. He wants to know why his daughter who has never looked at a guy and never felt any sort of attraction towards them had suddenly become aroused last night. He wants to know if he should kill Liam or keep him alive for my sake.

"He's my mate, dad," I replied.

"What?" My mom's head snapped my way.

I shrugged. "I just found last night."

"Let me get this straight," My dad turned to face me, "you had every chance to tell us this last night on the ride home and even this morning yet you just so happen to just tell us now?"

"Honestly, I don't know if he wants me or not---"

"Ok, that's it. I'm killing him," my dad dropped his stirring spoon into the wok and attempted to remove the white apron from around his waist.

"Oh, would you stop it, Jude. Don't you remember our first encountered as mate?" My mom scowled.

"I did and I remember chasing you down, not running away from you," my dad smirked.

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