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split up.


Nicole let out a long breath as she stood there, toe-to-toe with her past.

A house stood in front if her, happy little family laughing within. Nicole clenched her teeth, dug her nails into her palms.

If only those walls could talk.

She could hear yelling, a vase breaking and a door slamming. Footsteps, loud music. Her whole childhood, tormented by a dark cloud. Nicole sighed again.

Then the front door swung open and smiles bounded out. Nicole, clad in her jeans, leather jacket and old black beanie, didn't look shady... just not entirely... trustworthy.

The family hopped into their perfect little car with their perfect little smiles, and the father pulled away with the kids. The mother smiled after them, eyebrows drawn together. Nicole sucked in a breath and approached her.

"Oh! I haven't seen you 'round here... you a new neighbour?" The woman drawled, then jutted her hand out. "I'm Jessie Hawthorne, moved into this here house just about a year ago. Well, are you a new neighbour?" Her smile was too bright, Nicole had to blink to look at her.

"N-no, nothing like that. I just... I grew up here. In this house. I was hoping I could look around, but I had no idea someone else had moved in here. I, er... should probably get going--"

"Nonsense! You can come on in, I don't bite. I've kept the house pretty much the same as when we moved in here, just some of my own homey touches." She invited Nicole inside, grinning. As soon as Nicole stepped inside, she was flooded with memories.

The smell of her father's pancakes drifted past, the sound of her little sister's laughing and giggling.

"Do... do you like it?" Jessie wrung her hands together, watching Nicole anxiously. Nic smiled.

"I... I love it. It feels like a proper home." She nodded. Jessie beamed.

"Well... I would give you a tour, but you grew up here and know where everything is. Which room did you sleep in? Er, which one was yours?"

Nicole looked at the stairs, trying to remember. She could see the stairs drift by, then her hand pushed a door open. "Up the stairs, the little room on the right. My baby sister slept in the one on the left." She smiled.

Jessie moved forward, leading her up the stairs. "Ah, that's my daughter's room. She's ten and thinks the world revolves around her." Jessie rolled her eyes with a chuckle.

QUEEN OF DIRTBAGS → bill denbrough ✔Where stories live. Discover now