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Dear Fallen Friends,

Strange greeting, yeah, but I thought it would be appropriate. Richie laughed at it and I know Eddie would've... Stanley, you would've rolled your eyes like you always did when we made those stupid jokes. But you always laughed, too.

This is Nicole calling to beyond the grave to update you guys after the three years you've been gone. I read the letter that Stanley sent us and I knew that, one day, I would return the favour. Eddie, you're lucky because you got to hear Stanley say those words to your face.

Where to start... oh! Beverly and Ben are together. Finally. They got a dog and then bought a little boat on the docks... where they just live in bliss everyday like a fucking fairytale.

It's gross to watch, but they're cute.

I mean, I can't say much because I'm getting married for the third, and final, time. This is where I'm meant to be, and he's who I'm meant to be with. Maisie, my daughter that you never got to meet, is the age we were when we met and when all of these memories were made, and she is just like you, Stanley. An old soul, too smart and wise for everyone's good, but she's a good kid and I love her fiercely.

We all miss you terribly... everyday there is at least one moment that I think about you two and think about your laughs, your smiles and the stupid stuff we did as kids.

I guess that's just you guys reminding us to never forget about you or you'll haunt us forever, huh?

I'm taking my daughter to Derry soon, show her around and tell her the good memories from our childhoods, show her all our favourite spots. I'll take her to the quarry with Bill, but we won't jump off. I've taken enough leaps in my life... it's time to slow down before I break a hip or something.

I hope that, wherever you are, you are doing well and never have to fight anything ever again.

I know I'll see you again, as we all will. We'll have a reunion up there, like the reunion at Derry, and cuss each other out, get ourselves almost kicked out of heaven-- the usual. It's who we are.

You'll never be rid of us for long, guys.

I wrote this letter with paper and pen for authenticity, and I'm going to bury it at that spot in the Barrens that we would sit at before we discovered the secret clubhouse. Where we rolled the logs over, you know? The blood-pact that brought us back together and gave us the ability to never forget our pasts again?

Good luck up there and, Eddie, don't give Stan too much of a hard time until we get there. Never forget us, you two, as we will never forget you...

.... because we are your Losers, and these Losers fucking won.

With Love, Nicky-fucking-Gibbs,    
the queen of all you dirtbags.

QUEEN OF DIRTBAGS → bill denbrough ✔Where stories live. Discover now