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CHAPTER SEVEN the funhouse

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the funhouse.


White knuckles gripped the steering wheel of Nicole's rented Jeep, palms sweaty. She kept her eyes ahead, feeling full of butterflies and full of knives at the same time.

Bill didn't help her nerves one bit, snatching quick glances every now and again.

The first thing on Nicole's mind was saving the kid. Somehow, they had to do it. The other thing, and maybe screaming even louder than the safety of the kid... was that she had just kissed Bill Denbrough, a married man that she had remembered ever existing only the night before.

Bill looked at her again and this time she couldn't ignore it.

"What do you want to say?" It was her turn to look at him, but she quickly regretted it as her stomach twisted with nerves all over again. He watched her watch him, then blinked when she turned away.

"You h-haven't said anything about it--"

"Yeah, well neither have you." She half-snapped, then closed her eyes briefly. Bill turned to her fully, now, and regarded her with his full attention. She felt pinned in place... though there wasn't a lot of options for escape in a moving vehicle either way. He opened his mouth to speak, but Nicole shook her head. "What do you want me to say, Bill? Everything's going to be fine? Tell your wife I'm sorry for kissing her husband like I did twenty-seven years ago?"

He flinched, Nicole stilled.

She dared to continue. "I mean, yeah. Okay... that was the only time in my life that I've felt right. The only time since we separated, I guess. Everything else... everybody and everything that didn't have a past with me in Derry... it all feels stupid in comparison to that. Useless and incomplete-- but that had to be the only kiss that ever felt right."

There was silence, a growing tension as they neared the festivities.

The longer Bill said nothing, the longer Nicole had to process the fact that she wouldn't be able to feel that again, that her only moment of being complete since she was thirteen... wasn't for her to have.

She sighed and swallowed the tightness in her throat, then pulled into a parking spot and killed the engine. Neither said anything else for enough heartbeats that Nicole would need three hands if she were to count them on her fingers.

"Let's go protect this kid, then."

Voice flat, tone sharp, Nicole kicked the door open and rose. Something tugged on her hand, but she pulled away and closed the door. It's easier to leave when you cut ties sooner-- she had realized this through two failed marriages.

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