Tennasse X Alabama

820 9 0

Idk what I'm doing with my life

-Author POV-

""Girl, I've been thinkin' 'bout us
And you know I ain't good at this stuff
Theses feelings Pilin' up
Won't give me no rest
This might come out a little crazy
A little sideways. Yeah, maybe
I don't know how long it'll take me
But I'll do my best"

The state sang playing his guitar.

"You'll be my soft and sweet
I'll be your strong and steady
You'll be my glass of wine
I'll be your shot of whiskey
You'll be my sunny day
I'll be your shady tree
You'll my honeysuckle
I'll be your honey bee"

Tennessee continued, not noticing that a certain state was watching him.

"Yeah, that came out a little country
But every word was right on the money
And I got you smiling, honey
Right back at me
Now hold on 'cause I ain't done
There's more where that came from
Well, you know I'm just havin' fun
But seriously."

He sang, still not noticing Alabama watching him.

"You'll be my Louisiana
I'll be your Mississippi
You'll be my Little Loretta
I'll be your Conway Twitty
You'll be my sugar, baby
I'll be your sweet iced tea
You'll be my honeysuckle
I'll be your honey bee"

Tennessee paused,

"Your kiss just said it all
I'm glad we had this talk
Nothing left to do but fall in each other's arms
I coulda said a 'I love you'
Coulda wrote you a line or two
Baby, all I know to do is speak right from the heart

If you'll be my soft and sweet
I'll be your strong and steady
You'll be my glass of wine
I'll be your shot of whiskey
You'll be my sunny day
I'll be your shady tree
You'll be my honeysuckle
I'll be your honey bee"

Tennessee paused before continuing

"You'll be my Louisiana
I'll be your Mississippi
You'll be my Little Loretta
I'll be your Conway Twitty
You'll be my sugar, baby
I'll be your sweet iced tea
You'll be my honeysuckle-"

Tennessee sang getting caught off

"And I'll be your honey bee,

I'll be you honey bee"

Alabama sang behind Tennessee, scaring the shorter. "Bama!!" Tennessee yelled out from surprise as he fell off the bench. "Haha, sorry Ten" Alabama said helping Tennessee up.

"F*ck you" Tennessee said, dusting himself off. "F*ck you to," Alabama said back. "WAIT, WHAT!!??" Tennessee yelled slapping Alabama. "haha" Said Alabama holding his cheek that got slapped.

Tennessee sighed, "just come on" the state said, grabbing Alabama's arm and pulling him away. "Where are we going?" The taller out of the two asked. "To the beach" replied the smaller.

Once the got to the beach and sat down on the sand, Tennessee shoved his guitar into Alabama's hands "sing a song". "Fine" Alabama said.

"Well I heard he needed some help on the farm
Somebody with a truck and two strong arms
Not scared of dirt and willin' to work
Till the sun goes down
So I pulled up and said I'm your man
I could start right now and we shook hands
He said the fence needs fixin',
The peaches need pickin'
And the cows need bringin' round"

"I was haulin' hay, I was feedin' the hogs
And that summer sun had me sweatin' like a dog
So I cooled off in the creek
That it was back to work in the daggum heat
I was cussin' out loud, thinkin' 'bout quitin'
Lookin' back now I'm sure glad I didn't
Cause just when I thought it couldn't get no hotter
I caught the glimpse of the farmers daughter"

"She was just gittin' home from Panama City
She was all tanned up and my kind of pretty
When her eyes met mine
I was thinkin' that I would sure love my job
As the days got shorter out talks got longer
The kisses got sweeter and the feelings got stronger
She we'd hop in the truck and get all tangled up
Every chance we got"

Alabama sighed and continued

"We were down by the river all night long
When the sun came up I was sneakin' her home
And draggin' my but to work
With the smell of her perfume on the shirt
I'd be on the tractor she'd be on my mind
With that sun Beatin' down on this back of mine
Just when I thought it couldn't get no hotter
I fell in love with the farmers daughter"

Alabama winked at Tennessee

"We got married last spring
Whoa and there ain't no better life for me

I'm still haulin' hay and feedin' the hogs
And that summer heat got me sweatin' like a dog
So I cool off in the creek
And she brings me out outta glass of sweet iced tea
I'm on the tractor she's on my mind
And I can't wait till it's quitin' time
And just when I think it can get to hotter
I come home to the farmer's daughter
Yeah, the farmer's daughter

Hey baby."

Alabama finished. Looking up at Tennessee, he moved closer and kissed the shorter state. Soon after Tennessee kissed back.

"Your my Honey bee, Ten"
OwO btw Alabama was looking down when he was singing.

Tennessee's song: Honey Bee
Alabama's song: Farmers Daughter

W/C: 885

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