Moscow x Texas

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Tokyo walked up to Texas and Moscow. "Hey, are you free on Friday, like around 8pm on Friday?" he asked Moscow. "Yes?" Moscow said. "What about you?" he asked Texas. "Yes, I am" "Great! cause i'm not. You two go on without me. Enjoy your date "

Tokyo then walked away giggling, "did he just-" Moscow started. "uhm...yes" Texas cut him off, slightly pinching himself. "..." Moscow sighed, "welp i'm not being a chicken and not doing this cya." Moscow left Texas alone in the hallway. "WAIT WHAT?!" Texas  yelled and ran after Moscow


Lmao i'm to lazy to finish this, i used most of my energy on clearing a path on the new property.

I hoped you enjoyed this ragebullgaming. cause it's short and I might do a part two of this now... welp

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