Utah x Nevada

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this is gonna be a color soulmate au aight


Utah looked around rolling his eyes now and again. The only ones that could see every color are the ones that have found their soulmate. So far Utah didn't everything was black and white, some grey too. The short male would occasionally look up if he touched someone, seeing if any color other than black, white, and grey. It always was black, grey, and white.

The same was for Nevada, every state has found a soulmate other than him and Utah, Texas had Moscow, Alaska had Hawaii, Delaware had Massachusetts, North Carolina had Virginia, etc.

Utah sighed and walked to his room, phone in hand, he was currently looking through Instagram, seeing a lot of pairs. He growled lightly as she saw some states; New Jersey and New York, New Mexico and Oregon. Swiftly he got out of Instagram and went to youtube. Quietly he watched MrBeast until he reached his room.

He silently opened and closed the door, he silently sat down and turned his phone off. Putting it on his bedside table when Nevada came in his room, ''ya okay? You seem down.'' ''No fuck dibshit! We're the only ones without a soulmate!'' Utah semi-yelled, ''damn no need to be rude'' Nevada said, lightly brushing his had against Utah's,

Suddenly the world went bright, it was full of color. Utah and Nevada blinked to get used to the brightness of the room, ''so... does this mean we're soulmates?'' Nevada asked, ''no fuck duh'' Utah said, kissing Nevada.


That was fun to make no lie,  ima start doing the things I do on ''Night Skies'', Chao


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