Texas X Alaska

872 13 16

Texas sat quietly on the couch, Alaska next to him. ''Wanna play spin the bottle?'' Alaska asked the shorter state. Texas nodded and sat on the floor, Alaska sitting next to him, ''can I join?'' New Mexi asked, Oregon beside him. ''Sure, and whoever the bottle land on gets to dare a person I guess'' Alaska said as New Mexi and Oregon sat down. ''I'll spin first'' Oregon said, spinning the bottle.

The bottle landed on himself ''..uh okay'' Alaska said, shrugging. ''I dare you and Texas to play '7 minutes in heaven','' Oregon said, smirking. ''I- uh',' Texas stuttered and hid his blushing face, Alaska couldn't help but blush too. Alaska got up and grabbed Texas's wrist ''Come on Tex ,'' he said and dragged the pour Texan to his room.

The Alaskan got a rope, making the shorter Texan confused, ''???.'' ''Shh~ you'll be in pleasure soon,'' Alaska whispered to Texas and tied him up before basically ripping all of the Texans clothe's off. He looked at Texas's dick and started to suck it. Texas moaned as Alaska bobbed his head up and down. Alaska stopped sucking Texas's dick and kissed him roughly, sticking a digit in his ass (lmao help-).

The Texan moaned into the kiss, Alaska pulled away and started to suck on Texas's neck. Texas moaned louder than before, Alaska smirked against Texas's skin and sucked on a highly sensitive spot of Texas's neck. Alaska made hickies down Texas's chest, neck, arms, thighs, and legs.

He thought that she stretched Texas enough and took his clothes off. Texas looked away from Alaska's fairly large member. Alaska chuckled and pushed his dick into Texas. The Texan moaned in pain and pleasure. Soon Alaska was fully in, he waited for Texas to adjust, Once the Texan did he started to thrust softly. ''Faster, please'' Texas whined, Alaska went faster, it continued like this for a bit.

Texas moaned louder than before when Alaska hit a certain spot, Alaska abused the spot and slapped Texas's ass, ''what's my name?~,'' ''M-master,'' ''Louder~,'' Alaska said, slapping Texas's ass harder. Texas moaned, ''Master!,'' ''louder!~,'' ''MASTER!!~'' Texas semi-yelled and cummed on his and Alaska's chest. Alaska came into Texas and pulled out. The Texan fell asleep almost instantly, Alaska flipped them so Texas was laying on him, he smiled and fell asleep.


Fuck this I'm tired as fuck  

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