§ Chapter One §

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There she sat in her chambers with nothing but the light from a small candle illuminating the cold brick walls. A tear fell from her eye as she thought of her younger siblings living happy and healthy in the castle she used to love. Where candles had the scent of a warm forest and the walls didn't echo the coughs of a sick and dying man.

She never understood her father and his conniving ways but then again he was never the same after her mother passed with a plague that swept their land. She still couldn't understand how a father could sell their daughter to a man he had never met over a piece of land he was too coward to step foot on.

She wasn't the oldest daughter and she wasn't the youngest but that doesn't mean she is up for auction. Father always felt as though Edith was conspiring against him to marry rich and try to claim the crown. Though the thought never went through her mind, raising an army against her father's was beginning to sound like birds in the morning. Although a war did smell like mud and blood, the birds always brought sweet berries during their morning visits.

A loud cough echoed through the halls and then a loud shout. "Edith!"

Edith's head turned towards her door sharply and gasped. She knew the King was calling for her. She shakily stood up and made her way out of her chambers and towards the King's.
As she entered she saw William and a few other men who were helping the King get dressed. He was wearing his red robes and fur necklace with a royal piece on top. A royal custom when attending a royal meeting.

"We are having a royal meeting within the hour so get dressed. The maids will tend to you as usual." The King informs Edith who nods and doesn't make eye contact.

The King sighs and walks towards Edith and places hands on either of her shoulders. "Young girl." He says, forcing her to look at him from underneath her eyelashes.
"You are to be married soon...the problem is I do not know to whom. I have thought upon who might be worthy and so far I haven't a clue of who that might be. But dress well and keep your eyes bright, for today we might find someone worthy." He patted her cheek softly and as she gazed into the eyes of a seemingly misunderstood man, a maid came and whisked her away to get ready for the meeting.


As it was a custom in her country to wear red cloaks and shining objects, that's what she wore to the royal meeting

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As it was a custom in her country to wear red cloaks and shining objects, that's what she wore to the royal meeting. As royalty and higher ups filled the room, they all stood as Edith entered the room, then Thomas, and then the King.

Once the King sat, everyone else followed in suit and the archbishop stood and the meeting began.

"While I see the strain your treasury is under, I cannot help but wonder if the canker of Lollardy be at the root of this suggestion that the church be burdened with a tax to relieve problems that are not of the church's making."
This is when William entered and made his way to the King's ear.

"Your majesty, Henry, Prince of Wales." At the sound of this, Edith's ears perked up. She knew of the misunderstanding the King had for his eldest son and wondered why on God's green land he would find his way in a royal meeting.

Edith's eyes flickered to the doorway where a man's face was dimly lit up. "My son, come in." The King urges.

As the young man made his way down the isle everyone stood. Edith watched him as he was slow in his step and uncertain. He came to a stop and made eye contact with his brother. Thomas looked away and then he made eye contact with Edith.

He was shocked to see a young woman dressed so differently seated next to his brother and making eye contact with him. She had curiosity in her eyes as well as pain in her posture.

The King spoke, gaining their attention. "I feel my life nearing its natural end and yet still even I feel in ruder health than you. The time has come for me to consider the issue of my succession. You will not be king. Though you are my eldest son, for reasons that are on display for all to see, smell...you will not inherit this crown."

"Nor have I sought it." Henry speaks lowly and almost in a whisper.

"That privilege and responsibility will instead fall to your brother Thomas. He is soft but he is eager. He will lead my army against the newly treasonous Harry Percy and Edith, who is stood beside him, he will marry within the month and is to attend the battle field beside him." The King stated.

Edith's eyes widened as she quickly looks to the King and then to the man beside her, who would not look at her. She then looks to Hal, who is already looking at her.

"I will assume that this news comes as neither surprise nor disappointment. But it is my duty as king and a father to say it to you directly." The King adds on.

"When do you fight?" Hal asks his brother.
"We set off tomorrow. We fight by weeks end." Thomas replies.
"You need not fight. These feuds need not be yours." Hal tells him. "And Edith? You will let him tell you to take her to a battle field?"

"I have told you what I've summonsed to tell you. Leave us now." The King speaks and Hal sneaks one more look to Edith before he leaves.


Edith § The King - King Henry V - timothee chalametWhere stories live. Discover now