§ Chapter Two §

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That night was dedicated to processing the new information Edith was given. She had been packing dresses to wear and was unsure of if any of them would make it home. They'd be covered in mud and dirt and maybe even blood.
She was to attend the battle field...had the King gone mad? What was she to do there?

Nonetheless she packed and in the morning and they were off. Thomas, not saying a word as they made their journey.

It made no sense for the King to pronounce Edith as Thomas's fiancé. She suspected it was an order made by the King without a seconds thought. She presumed that the King saw the glances Henry and Edith had made and that he wanted to make his son feel even more of an outcast, seeing as he had yet to find a wife for his eldest son.

They had set up camp across the field from where their opponents sat. The army started clothing themselves in medal and armor. Edith dressed in warmth.

She followed her fiancé to the foreground where he began to discuss war

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She followed her fiancé to the foreground where he began to discuss war.
"Lord Dorset, are your men ready for the day?" Thomas sat and Edith stood behind him.

She almost rolled her eyes at the sound of the young man's voice. It was almost child like and as if, in his mind, he was playing with small plastic figures.

"They are, sire." Dorset assures.
"Very good. Tell me of your preparations." Thomas urged.

'You know not of any kind of war preparations. That's why you asked him about the preparations as a whole and did not name them specifically' - Edith thought.

Dorset then looks at something behind the two. "My Lord."

Edith and Thomas turn around to see Hal arriving on a horse. Thomas stood.
"Why are you here?"

"I will not allow this havoc to transpire. I've come to see it stopped." Hal said.
"This is my battle." Thomas acted like Hal took away his toy figurines.

"If I had it my way there would be no battle." This caught Edith's attention. Hal made eye contact with Edith as he walked past her.
"You. Come here." He told a young man.
"My Lord." The messenger obeyed.
"You have no place here." Thomas added.

"Let him speak." Edith said abruptly. Everyone's eyebrows raised as they turned to look at Edith, who kept her eyes on Hal. This was the first time anyone had heard her speak.

"Go to the rebel camp. Deliver the following message to Percy Hotspur. Tell him that Prince Henry wishes to settle today's score man on man. Him and I. We will fight in our armies places." Hal said solemnly.
Edith couldn't believe what she was hearing. She had never spent over 5 minutes with his majesty and yet he was the most courageous man she'd met in England.

"Yes my Lord." The messenger set off towards the opposing side.

"Who do you think you are?" Dorset asked.
"I am nobody to you." Hal shook his head and walked off to prepare. Thomas followed after him and Edith in suit.

Edith § The King - King Henry V - timothee chalametWhere stories live. Discover now