§ Chapter Three §

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After the battle between Percy and Henry, Thomas threw a fit and it raged him so that there was no way that Thomas was returning home. Neither his army or his fiancé. Henry gave a sorrowful look.

"I hope to see you again, Henry." Edith followed behind Thomas through the crowd of men.

Henry braced his mind for the thought of losing his brother in a selfish needless war and the pour, wise girl that trailed him.


After Henry had gotten on his horse and began his journey home, Thomas moved his men towards the battlefield.
"Thomas do you really think this necessary?" Edith asked from beside him.

"Necessary is the only word to describe it." Thomas said only looking forward.

"Because it is a mark of your dominion or because your father told you to and you have such a need to make that sick man proud?"

Thomas stopped and looked Edith in the eye. "If you agree with my brother so strongly then why don't you become his fiancé?"

"If you your father had died before he handed me to you, then I'd be anyone else's fiancé and better off...but he didn't and I'm not so listen to what I have to say. Turn back. Go home. Avoid this war without cause!" Edith urged with anger in her eyes.

Thomas looked to be actually thinking it over until he starred right back at Edith.


That evening, a battle was fought and lost. Men were lost for a meaningless cause and Thomas along with them. Some men survived and were sent back to England to recover from the senseless killing.

After they arrived home, the king was informed of the list of his son as well as most of his men and sent William out to find Henry and inform him of what is to come.

William entered the small housing and rushed the kids out. He found Henry laying on a bench hardly awake.
"My lord." William starts.

"What business?" Henry mumbles.
"It it a matter of great urgency." Williams informs.

"Mm. You should hurry along then." Henry tried to get rid of him.
"Please my lord. It is your father. He's dying."
"That hook has lost its worm."
William sighs and looks to the guard standing in the doorway.
"Wait outside."

Once the guard exits and William sits down, Henry has sat up as well.
"No doubt your father has brought much trouble to this kingdom. But I fear the chaos that might soon erupt in his absence. England needs a king and I suspect those sentiments of yours that had you result from him are precisely those the governance of this land needs you must be king."

"Why do you say this to me? Speak to Thomas. Is he not to be our new king?"
"I'm afraid that's not possible. Your brother was killed in Wales. After your defeat of Percy Hotspur, young Thomas presses on to the western fields. This is where he meet his end. It is said that he gave valiant account of himself."

'I hope to see you again, Henry,'
Her words rang through his head like a drum.

Henry sighed as he rested his elbows on his knees. "What of the girl? Edith."
"She is hurt but she is healing well."

Henry stood to his feet and rushed out of the small inn and towards the castle.


"Where is he?" I voice boomed through the castle where men were setting up for a funeral.
"Where is the monster?"

It was Hal.

He made his way to the sleeping quarters of his father and entered with disheveled hair and a numb look on his face.

"Where is the monster?" He asked again but this time, he was unusually calm.

He made his way towards the bed of the king through the small gathering of Bishops and King's men.
"Move. Leave him." Hal ordered the Bishop.

"He needs rest." He urged.
"Soon he will get it."
"He's dying."
Hal got into the Bishop's face. "Leave." He whispered demandingly.

Henry stood at the foot of the bed and stared at his father for a moment before he ripped the covers from him, causing his sick and tired body to shiver.

Henry made his way to his bed side and leaned over him. "You feel this cold? Wretch."
His father lifted his hand weakly and brushed the side of Hal's face.

"Hal. You must be king. Please. I know not what I've done."

With those words, the king let out his last breathe and died.

Hal stood from the chair he took a place in during a moment of distress. He made his way to the front of the bed and as he did the men in the room bowed on their knees and the Bishops knelt their heads down.

"You know not what will become of you." Henry began. "So I offer you this. The most blessed reprieve, the most dreadful misery. You shall suffer the indignity of serving me. The wayward son you so revile. But know now you will be watched over by an altogether different king."

The room was still and quiet. Then the sound of footsteps entered the room. It was Edith who stood there with her chin held high and dressed in red. A sign of honor in her country.

"Everyone leave

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"Everyone leave." She demanded and she need not say it a second time. Everyone began to exit as soon as the demand left her lips.

When it was only Hal and Edith in the room, she walked towards him and stopped when she was a mere foot away.

When not a word was spoken, Henry took the opportunity.
"How do you fare? I know the fate of my brother and I expected you to have the same, seeing as your fates were intertwined."

Edith chuckled. "No our fates were not intertwined. I was sold to your father and it was your father who settled with my husband being your brother. So no our fates were not intertwined, but simply meant to pass one another for a moments time...the moment, unfortunately, is over. I am sorry for your loss."

Henry nods. He was almost glad that Edith thought of their fates in such a way. He sees a companionship and a trusted lady to whom he wouldn't of had the privilege of knowing if it weren't for his father.

"And what of your injuries?" Henry asks.
"I had a mere cut on my leg. It was tended to and is healing well and I don't need maids to assist my every move." She responded.

Henry smiles a small genuine smile. He had a feeling Edith would say something of that nature. His father, though ignorant, wasn't ignorant enough to purchase a woman who strives for the kingdom's attention.

"You're a brave man for standing up to your father, Henry."

"It was now or never. Seeing as before there's no doubt in my mind he'd behead me for stepping foot here." Henry chuckled unamused.

"I find that highly unlikely." Edith countered almost immediately. Hal gave her a look as if to continue. "You're father was a conniving, deal making man no doubt but he was also your father. He may have been disappointed but he loved as well. He made mistakes, yes. But he also got you here and to the position you are about to swear upon and that, Henry, is no mistake."


Should I continue?

Edith § The King - King Henry V - timothee chalametWhere stories live. Discover now