§ Chapter Four §

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The next day, Henry was clothed in a long red cloak with the fur of an animal around his neck as he walked through the palace for his coronation. King's men followed in suit and ahead of him and Edith followed directly behind him in a grey satin and bejeweled dress with a simple crowned headdress to match.

Edith knew most of those watching coronation were looking at her, wondering who she was and why she trailed their new king

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Edith knew most of those watching coronation were looking at her, wondering who she was and why she trailed their new king. Whispers of the truth, lies, and suspicions filled her ears yet she kept her head tilted high and urged herself to think nothing of them.

Though she couldn't help but hear one question echo throughout her head like a war drum.
"Is she Henry's fiancé?"

Maybe she was. That part of Henry's future as the king had yet to be discussed seeing as it had only been a day since his father had passed, more important matter took the place of her questions.

Henry was blessed by the archbishop in the castle hall with holy water and oils.
"All hail King Henry!"


Then came the third portion of the coronation.
The celebration.

This was held in another part of the castle to which Edith had no clue the proper name of. The castle was large and had room upon room. She just happened to be seated next to Henry in this room with people sat at their respective seats around the room's walls so that the gifts from other royalties could be properly presented.

"King Wenceslaus of Bohemia presents this gift to King Henry of England. To long and good health." The mediator read the message sent along with the gift as another man presented the chest in front of Henry.

He opened the chest and pulled out a lovely vase. "Beautiful." Henry simply said after he had inspected it.

Edith could tell he could care less about the, no doubt expensive, mass of silver in his hands.
"I'm sure you all know-" he began. "My younger sister Philippa has joined us here today. Queen of Denmark." Henry stood and made his way towards his sister and her husband.

"I am thankful she and her husband, travelled all this way. I wish for you to take this vase, my dear. Let its beauty stand for your beauty, which in turn stands for England's beauty." He placed the vase in front of them.
"I thank you my lord." Philippa says.

Henry only smiles and Lord Chamberlain continues.
"His serenity, the doge of the Republic of Venice, presents this gift in your honor my liege. Says it is a bird from Constantinople."

"A bird?" Henry asks as he makes his way to his seat and smiles at Edith. "A dead one I should suppose."
Edith chuckles and smiles back.

Henry looks in confusion at the small iron bird sat before him. He picks it up and examines it.
"If I may, my liege." Edith said softly.

Edith § The King - King Henry V - timothee chalametWhere stories live. Discover now