§ Chapter Seven §

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"We welcome those newly arrived here. Turn us now in common poise with one mind, sharpened. Together we will bring France down. Together we will bring her to her knees. Captains all, to this end. I wish to introduce to you a new Marshall of our campaign. Sir John Falstaff." Henry introduces Falstaff to his court. Edith was there observing and in support of Hal.
He needed her and she didn't care if it resulted in her beheading.

"Sir john's experience in battle should need no recitation. You know of him. Some of you have had the honor of fighting alongside him. Others have heard tails of his exploits. But I have tasked sir John to join this campaign for one most vital reason alone. He respects war as only a man who has seen its most monstrous form can. He lusts after it not, but rather regards it with grim sobriety that you and your men should hope he would."
The way Henry talked about Falstaff and looked at him was something Edith hadn't seen Henry look at anybody. As a friend with whom he trusts.

"Welcome and thank you, good sirs. You're all well met."
Edith thought he seemed to be a sweet man whom she'd like to meet.

Later that evening, Hal has asked Edith to join him in visiting Falstaff so that they could meet and discuss.
They walked into his chambers and Edith immediately smiled. He was having a bath and a foot massage.
"Bonsoir." He says and chuckles.

"Are you ready for what awaits us?" Hal asks.
"One is never ready for what awaits us...who is this las?" He points to Edith.

"I am Edith of the Incan Empire." She curtsied and smiled. "And it is very lovely to finally meet you, sir John."

Falstaff chuckles. "Please miss, call me Falstaff."
"Alright. Call me Edith."

"Why are you here from Peru, Edith?" John asks.
"Henry's father bought me." She shrugged. "I was betrothed to Thomas but, as you know, he is passed, so I-"

John cut her off by laughing. "Ah so you're engaged to young Hal here?"

Both her face and Henry's face reddened. "No, sir - I mean Falstaff - we're just um..." she wasn't sure how to reply. In fact, she wasn't quite sure why she was still there. Henry could send her away if he wanted.

Edith avoided Henry's eyes which she felt burning into the side of her head.
John only chuckled.


The next morning, men were loading all the necessities for their journey to the battlefield. Edith was stood next to Hal, who was stood next to William.
"You believe sir John there to be fit and suitable enough. To captain this effort?" William asked.

Edith wanted nothing more than to cut off his-

"John is a good man." Henry spoke.
"I do wonder if this war will solve my father's disputes with France as well." Edith pondered aloud.
"What do you mean?" Henry asked.
"France and the Incan Empire have been on the brink of war since the beginning. Father refuses to fight because he knows they'll destroy everything he's built."
Henry nods, thinking this information might be useful and soon walks away.

"Do you plan on beheading him as well?" Edith asks after trying to bite her tongue and to no avail.

William said nothing at first. "It is only a matter of time before Henry-"
"Before Henry what?" Edith stood up to him. "Before he parishes in battle? Would you enjoy that, William? Henry might be blind to it but I know everything. You want France because his father wanted it. There was no assassin sent from France, you hired that man to lie for you. A French man came and spoke to Cambridge and Lord Grey and they knew the truth so you got them beheaded. What's next? Are you going to behead me too? It's not long before Henry discovers that a snake slithers where he walks." Edith storms off.

She followed Henry to discuss the whole matter like she should have before. If her fear hadn't gotten in the way.

Before she could utter his full name William had called guards upon her. Henry had already gotten too far down the corridor to hear.

"William what are you doing?" Edith shouts.
"Edith you knew this would happen."
"So you'll kill me then. And tell Henry what?"

"That you had I'll intent."

"What?!" Edith struggled.
"Think about it. You were betrothed to his brother in word of his father, whom you stayed by all day and night. Thomas died in battle and now you are easing up to Henry, reeling him in. You were eavesdropping on our private matters so you could respond in a way that appealed to Hal. You don't want war with France and why? Because of the cost of war and because Henry might die and you wouldn't be able to get the throne." William explained.

"He'll never believe that!" Edith begged with tears in her eyes.
"Oh but he will. I've got men who agree with me on the matter. You will not be here when he returns."
"No. Please!" Edith begged as the guards dragged her away and threw her into the dungeons.

She immediately got up and banged on the medal bars.


She stood in the concrete room with dried tear stains on her cheeks. She hadn't eaten in days and she was covered in dirt. She was awaiting her death.

She was told she'd be killed some time after Henry left to ensure he wouldn't change his mind or come back too soon

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She was told she'd be killed some time after Henry left to ensure he wouldn't change his mind or come back too soon. She had been in the dungeon for what felt like years but had been a month.

She begged the guards for parchment and ink and when they finally gave it to her, she started writing a letter to Henry. Surely he'd visit the dungeons and see the letter. She knew better than to give it to a guard.

'Dear Henry,

I will not make a plea for you to forgive me for what I am accused. I do not know if you believe William or myself but I choose to think that you believe in me. I would never hurt you or your kingdom. I have known love, but I haven't known a love like this. The first time I saw you, you were dirty and your face was covered by your hair. I thought you were handsome and altogether an interesting man. Since you stormed onto that battlefield to save your brother I've known you are a great man. Now, you are a great king. Not only to your people but to other kingdom's people as well. Peace is in your heart and you breathe it out every time you speak. Please hold on to the peace of which you speak of.
It sounds like a dream.

Love, Edith'

Edith § The King - King Henry V - timothee chalametWhere stories live. Discover now