§ Chapter Six §

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"At such a time as I endeavor to foster a fresh and peaceful air for this kingdom to breathe, it is not in my interest to stir hostility with another." Henry spoke in a room with a chosen few to discuss a matter.

In this case, Edith had no clue what Hal was talking about.
"This is an act of war." One man spoke and Edith knew it was a serious matter.

"We share your longing for peace, my liege, but to ignore such an audacious act of aggression will be seen as weakness. This is no game ball. This is an assassin." William spoke.

Assassin? Someone was hired to kill Henry? Was it France?
Edith had a feeling it wasn't...

"Would you consider me to be weak, Chief Justice?" Henry asked.
"No. No I speak more for the kingdom." William replied.

'Kingdom my arse.' Edith thought.

"What the kingdom sees."
"What the kingdom sees. Mm. How, pray, might the kingdom see the weasel beneath our feet?" Henry asked.
'More like the weasel in front of you'

"If France's aim towards you runs deep enough for them to send an assassin, it will be felt in the street. Ours and theirs. It will be known. We share your concern but peace today needs more than harmony. It needs strength and confidence." William eggs on.

"Oh what do you know about strength? What do any of you know about strength?" Edith says aloud. "You keep saying how Henry's father wanted to take France for his own, conquer it...when was that plan made exactly? How long had he been planning it? I mean if he wanted to do it so very badly...why not just do it?" Everyone's attention was on her, especially William's beady little eyes.

"I'll tell you why. Lack of strength. God forbid any of you be running this country - there wouldn't be a country left. Strength isn't showing up with armored men to try and show that your dick is bigger! It's about not giving a damn if a little French crooked-nosed knave doesn't like you. You want a war with France? Start your own country and we'll see where that takes you."

"Why do you speak to us like this, little girl? Why do you think you know better than us?" One man asked.
"I don't think I know better. I know I do." She shrugged. "Go ahead and tell me I'm wrong."

There wasn't a sound in the room until Henry spoke. "Write down these words. Addressed to King Charles of France."
Edith knew she didn't like where this was going.
"This assassin you send can be taken as nothing other than an infant act of war. If this be your intention, I say let it be known plainly and that you desist from the timorous slither I'm which you presently engage. If it be war you seek, send the full weight of your army. For a lone assassin you send will not topple this King Henry the Fifth if England you so underestimate." Henry then walks to the box from Charles and pulls out the ball. He puts the box on the table. "Fill this with gun stones and send it back to France." Then he left the room.

"Well." Edith sighed. "I hope your dicks feel bigger. In reality they've shrunk. I hope you cowards and your wives can get used to the size of a shrimp." Edith followed Henry.

"Henry." He kept walking.
"Henry." Still not stopping.

Edith sighed and ran in front of him which caused him to stop. He wouldn't look at her.
"What do you feel, Henry? Right now, what do you feel?"

Henry looked up at her for a second and then back down. "I feel as if a weight has been placed on my shoulders...and an even bigger one will be stacked on later."

"What happened to not wanting war with France?" Edith asked.
"Charles sent an assassin. After me, Edith."
"How do you know?" Henry looked up at her in confusion.

"How do I know? I met with him in the dungeons. He told me he was sent to kill me by Charles himself."
"How do you know he isn't lying?"
"...what are you insinuating?"
"Maybe the enemy isn't in France. Maybe he's here."

Henry said nothing. He shook his head as he thought that last sentence over.
"I won't listen to this." He walked away.

"So what? You'll listen to a man who followed your father for years?" Henry kept walking and Edith sighed.

"He will." Edith's spine stiffened. William moves so that he was practically breathing down her neck.
"He will listen to me because he knows it's what he must do." Edith turned about and glared at him.

"Henry knows nothing about how to rule so of course he'll listen to a man with a blackened tongue. Do you smell that, William? I smelt it before. Many a time in this castle. It's a rat."

William chuckles. "Rats can smell as well, Edith. Answer me this - when a cat tries to catch the rat what happens? He loses because the rat knows where the hide and the cat, who scratches the wall trying to get the rat, gets thrown out into the streets. Watch where you scratch, Edith."
He walked away.


The next time another court meeting was held, Edith excused herself entirely. She needed time to weigh out her options. Henry hadn't listened to her, William was after her, and she feared what that man could do.

No, she wasn't going to back down and no, she wasn't ready to give up on Henry or England. But then again, one wrong step and she'd be thrown to God knows where.

The next time she saw Henry, was at the beheadings of Lord Greg and Cambridge. She stood in crowd with tears in her eyes because she knew this was the work of William. As one head was cut off she flinched and tears fell. William looked back at the crowd and their eyes met.
This was her warning.


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Later that evening she was in chambers in her nightly robes, brushing her hair when she heard foot steps coming up the corridor and getting closer to her. These footsteps were bounding and made with purpose. She helped her breath as she waited for guards to storm in and most likely slaughter her.

The door barged opened and Hal, with tears rolling down his face, stopped footsteps before her. Her eyebrows furrowed as she took in his state. She walked closer and placed her hand on his face. "Hal."

He immediately scooped her up into a tight hug and a sob erupted in his chest. She hugged him back just as tightly and held the back of his head.
"There there Hal. Everything will be alright."
"I don't understand, Edith. I don't- I- I can't-" he stuttered.
"Shh Henry. Have a sound mind." She cooed. "I'm here."

He hugged her tighter.


Edith § The King - King Henry V - timothee chalametWhere stories live. Discover now