§ Chapter Five §

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Henry and Edith were taking their stroll through the garden talking about one another's lives and learning.

"How did you come to be one of my father's puppets?" Henry asked with a small smile.

"Puppet?" Edith asked, almost offended. "I'd say I did as I was told because I'd be daft not to. Your father was a mad man, as you know, so to not follow an order of his would've been a toss of the dice. Would I be sent home? Would I be sold again? Would I be imprisoned?...would I be killed?" Edith pauses.

Henry looked to her. "Again? You were sold once?"

"I came to be here by the way of my father. He sold me to your father for a plot of a land. That being said, the transaction could've been a horse in return for me and my father still would've taken part. Father thought I was plotting against him and his seat as king so he wanted me gone. This was easy for him." Edith said with almost no reaction but a quietness in her voice.

"Well then, I for one, am glad the deal was made." Henry smiled and chuckled when he saw Edith's confused stare.
"If the arrangement was never made then we never would have met, yes?" He asks and Edith nods.
"Yes I suppose."

"Then there you have it. I believe it's what others would call destiny." Henry stops and stood in front of her.
"And what do you call it, King Hal?" Edith asks smirking.

"A destination."

Henry continued on walking leaving Edith in awe. His words could mean so many different things but by the way he smiled, his tone of voice, the look in his eyes...he was being charming....and Edith was charmed.

"Hal." Edith starts as she catches up with him. "Now that your brother, may he Rest In Peace, is no longer with us and I was engaged to him...do you plan on finding me another suitor?"

Henry stops again and takes the position he once stood right in front of Edith. "Do you want another suitor?"

"Well I...I want to love someone."
"Doesn't everyone?"
"No. Most people want power."
"Do you mean most men?"
"Not exactly. Women marry for power. My mother used to tell me a story." They continued walking. "It was about a young girl who thrived on power. So she married a man she thought had the lot of it. Then, he killed her because she had failed in conceiving him an heir to the throne."

"And what did you learn from that horrible story?" Henry asks in disbelief.
"That power isn't real. You can have gold, jewels, a throne....but without love it all means nothing. I have a locket my mother gave to me before she died and it's a silver locket. Sterling silver. It is my most prized possession and even if it were a feeble rope necklace it wouldn't matter because it was given with love. I could have nothing in the world except for that necklace and I'd be content."

This was not the first time Henry had been in awe of Edith. But it was the first time he felt a need for deeper understanding. He hadn't known of the love she speaks of and he desired it now with every fiber in his being.

"Id love to see this necklace sometime. It sounds like a dream." Henry smiled just thinking of it.
Edith chuckles. "I assure you it is very real. I wish this love for you one day Henry." She unexpectedly stopped and grasped his hand so he would look at her. "Love is the key to all power."


The next evening there was yet another royal meeting and Henry, after their garden stroll, asked Edith to start attending all matters. He found her input enlightening. He asked her to stand beside him as he sat for if he had questions or if she had input.

Edith § The King - King Henry V - timothee chalametWhere stories live. Discover now