§ Chapter Eight §

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Edith was awoken by the sound of multiple footsteps running down into the dungeons. Her heartbeat quickened to a pace she didn't know it could reach.

Guards opened the medal cage where she resided and grabbed ahold of her and she immediately started sobbing.
"No! No! Please!"

They brought her to the outside courtyard where men and women were killed for their crimes. They pulled her up onto the wooden platform and placed a noose around her neck. There seemed to be a lot more people than the usual King's court. There were village people there as well - all screaming and shouting.

Tears continued to fall as she looked out into the crowd of people who had no clue who she was, but knew she was about to die

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Tears continued to fall as she looked out into the crowd of people who had no clue who she was, but knew she was about to die.

One man motioned to the other to pull the lever so that the floor below her would move and her neck would soon snap.

He grasped the lever and was about to pull when- "STOP!"

Edith gasped and opened her eyes to see she wasn't dead. She looked behind her to see Henry exiting the castle doors.
He ran up onto the wooden platform and removed the noose from her neck.

He held her face in his hands and wiped her tears. "Edith are you alright?"
She could only nod through the tears and Henry embraced her like he had never hugged anyone before.

"Shh it's alright Edith. You're safe."
"B-but William he-" Henry cut her off.
"I know. I know everything. He's dead." This only caused her to cry more and hug Henry again.


Henry had Edith tended to. She had taken a warm bath, eaten warm food, had massages, and was now dressed in her usual attire.

There was a knock on her chamber doors.
"Yes?" Edith called.
The door opened to reveal Henry who smiled at the sight of Edith.

"Henry." Edith smiled and ran to hug him.
"There are something's we need to discuss."

"I agree...we won the war." He smiled.
"And what of France?" Edith asked.

"I called for a truce but in return...the king of France wanted me to take his daughter's hand in marriage." Henry said.

Edith immediately recoiled and backed away. "Oh. I see."

Henry chuckled and moved forward to hold her waist. "I denied. I recalled you saying that the Incan Empire was also troubled by France so I arranged for one of your brothers to marry her. We're all at a truce."

Edith was shocked. "Henry." She was speechless.
"I also was handed your letter...a guard found it." Henry informed her.

She immediately blushed.
"You really think I'm handsome?" Henry smiled and Edith laughed and covered her face. "Oh hush Henry."

Hal removed her hands from her face and looked into her eyes. "Marry me, Edith."

"Henry are you sure-" she was cut off.
"Yes. I love you too." He smiled.

She felt tears in her eyes as she smiled at her fiancé. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. He held her waist as he kissed her back with the same intensity.


In the following month, a wedding was planned. Edith was sad that Falstaff wouldn't be there to see Hal but she knew that he was there to some degree.

Royals from multiple country's, including Edith's family, gathered in the largest part of the castle. Light music started playing as the doors opened and Edith stood in her country's customary wedding attire.

She walked down the isle with tears in her eyes as she saw Henry stood there at the alter

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She walked down the isle with tears in her eyes as she saw Henry stood there at the alter.

The two starred happily into each other's eyes as the ceremony began

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The two starred happily into each other's eyes as the ceremony began.
Henry thought to himself,

'So this is love?'


Edith § The King - King Henry V - timothee chalametWhere stories live. Discover now