Chapter 1

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        You sit in your room, headphones blasting music by your favorite band (f/b), and you think about the events that led up to you being trapped in your head only able to think of one person.

         Reader POV: (earlier that day) I began my daily routine which consisted of getting out of bed at 8:00 am, getting dressed, brushing my teeth, and leaving for the (usually calm) walk to school. This morning was a bit different as I grabbed the doorknob to leave for school, my mom grabbed my arm and held on very tightly, nails digging into flesh. She seemed to want... me? She wouldnt talk to me because her throat hurt from all her drinking, even so I asked her what was wrong. Thats when she passed out. I didnt know what to do so I put her on the couch hoping she would wake up soon. Finally able to get out of the house, I grabbed my backpack and ran out onto the street where I hoped to catch a glimpse of the sunrise before it was gone. I missed it... Again.

       While walking to school, I happen to pass a bus stop. Coincedently this is the very same bus stop that Randy and his gang hang around at. Luckily, they were occupied with some other kids this morning. As I got closer I could make out some of their facial features. They were the new kids. One of them had brown hair and emerald green eyes. This kid seemed to be the victim of Randy's rage while the other stood staring at Randy and his gang with a particular frightening intensity. I hadnt realized I had stopped walking until Randy pulled a knife on the green eyed kid and I heard the other kid yell "Liu!" Liu turned around to see his brother grab the knife from Randy bury it up to its hilt in Randys friends arm, four times, blood spattering his white hoodie. Randy and his gang ran back down my street away from Liu and his brother. Just then Liu's brother looked in my direction and caught my eye. My heart began to pound as he broke eye contact and ran towards the school.

      I took off running after them but soon lost them in the thick wooded area they wandered into. I reasoned that going to school just wouldn't be worth it seeing as I was already really late. I slowly wandered back towards my house and my waiting drunken mother...

      PastaWolf-------- Is this too short? It feels short. I don't know. Im going to try to to publish this and edit in another chapter later but if it doesn't work then I am going to have to just do something else..... Welp bye for now <w>

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